Brooklyn Music School may shut

Brooklyn Music School may shut


norman lebrecht

June 26, 2024

Local media report that the school, which offers tuition to deprive communities, is facing closure over a deficit of $80,000.

That’s all it takes.

Read here.


  • Larry says:

    I don’t mean to minimize the seriousness of their situation but $80,000 is not a huge amount of money. Their website talks about an “expansion”

    Hopefully the Brooklyn Conservatory can take on many of their students.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      $80,000 in NYC is indeed chump change for major donors. Just count the hundreds of people at the Met Opera who pay this annually in membership dues…for less return.

      PS I trust Mr. Lebrecht intended to write “depriveD” and not “deprive”.

  • Rupom says:

    Historically the most consequential musical education on St. Felix Street in Brooklyn took place directly across the street from the Brooklyn Music School, at the home of Betty Carter.

  • J Barcelo says:

    Poor Brooklyn. Can’t get a musical break. They lost the once innovative and respected Brooklyn Philharmonic a dozen years ago (thanks, Michael Christie!) and now this.

  • Helpsalot says:

    “Offers provision to deprive communities?”