Breaking: The Netrebkos have split up

Breaking: The Netrebkos have split up


norman lebrecht

June 26, 2024

The soprano Anna Netrebko and her tenor husband Yusif Eyvazov have told the Austrian Press Agency that their marriage is over.

‘After ten happy years together, we have made the difficult but friendly decision to separate,’ they said in a joint statement. ‘We remain close friends, united in our shared love for (Anna’s son) Tiago.’

Future joint engagements will not be affected, they added.

The report was published at 15.24 today, Austrian time.

More here.


  • Tom Phillips says:

    Hopefully that will be the end of HIS career at least.

    • Edward says:

      His career was independent of hers. They met in fact when they were cast together (by Muti no less) in Manon Lescaut. Some don’t like the timbre of his voice but there can be no doubting his musicianship, and why shouldn’t two people in love sing together when they can (not always), especially given that there has been a child to take care of?

      • Tom Phillips says:

        He would have gone nowhere professionally were it not for their partnership. He has a dreadful voice and is no Kaufmann or Beczala, let alone Corelli, Pavorotti etc. His career advancement was in no way “independent” of hers.

        • Edward says:

          You are hoping for the end of someone’s career. That makes you a jerk. Your “would have” is speculation only.

          The fact is, he has achieved much. We heard his fine Calaf. The world heard his Chénier at La Scala, widely acclaimed.

          • Herr Doktor says:

            I heard Eyvazov’s “fine Calaf” as well at the Met. I felt sorry for the rest of the cast, for having to perform with someone who was so obviously so far below the world-class standard of the rest of them.

            The great news is that opera-lovers in Pyongyang, Juba, Sana, and Naypyidaw will be able to hear Eyvazov on a regular basis going forward.

          • Tom Phillips says:

            Am I also a “jerk” for objecting to a racist and fascist (in his case Anti-Armenian) bigot who also directly incites war crimes on his social media? What a truly humane and wonderful being.

  • Belinda says:

    They both got what they wanted out of the marriage: he got a career boost, and she got a father figure for her young son.

  • Knowing Clam says:

    Who cares? She was once a true star and then her vocalism declined to mediocrity. And he was never something that should be onstage in a top house. He got that because of her.

  • Jean says:

    Ojdå !

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    Will she remain loyal to Putin?

  • A.L. says:

    sob sob sob. Who gives a damn. With her voice now shot and her star a thing from a newspaper from two weeks ago, there is no such thing as bad publicity for her. She needs all she and her handlers/agents can muster. As for the other half, there are plenty of casinos offering gigs in Russia and its satellites.

  • Cougar says:

    Good, she’s too old for him.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      5 years older is too old? On what planet? If the ages were reversed, no one would say a word.

      No where in these threads have I read of anyone offering any sympathy for the fact that two people are getting a divorce, regardless of what you may or may not think of their politics or talent.

      To boot, there is a child / step-child they had to consider.

      Empathy is a positive human attribute.

  • Loquacious says:

    We now know that Slippedisc’s commentators are a pack of bitchy singers.

  • L. Alder B says:

    Well they both got what they wanted, him a career and her the oil money – win win.