Berlin Philharmonic play in UN refugee badges

Berlin Philharmonic play in UN refugee badges


norman lebrecht

June 24, 2024

Members of the orchestra has taken to wearing blue ribbons at major events, such as this weekend’s Waldbühne concert.

The blue ribbon (see below) signifies support for the return of Israeli hostages held by Palestinian armed organisations.

Corection: we are advised that the blue ribbons signify ambassadorship for the UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe (German partner organization of the UNHCR). The audience  were asked for donations on the world refugee day, June 20.

We regret the previous misapprehension.



And here are the blue ribbons in action.



  • Craig Z. says:

    Bless their heroic hearts! I fear they will now be targets of the masked, keffiyeh-wearing thugs intimidating audiences, artists, and people attending synagogues. My new fave orchestra.

  • william osborne says:

    The irony being that Germany is one of the more racist, nationalistic, and xenophobic countries in Europe. And yes, still one of the more anti-Semitic. For those reasons and the country’s terrible history–in which the Berlin Phil held a central position in promoting and representing those problems–virtue signaling has become a major industry. Hence the orchestra’s opportunistic gesture. A call for peace and a fair and proportionate criticism of both sides would reflect a more honest stance.

    At least 37,598 people have been killed and 86,032 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7. Over 7000 are missing. About two thirds of the victims have been women and children. 83% of the people are internally displaced. Famine is raging.
    This is all part of a grotesquely disproportionate response by a far-right government that has appalled the entire world.

    Germany’s support of a far-right government is also historically ironic, especially given that in Germany a far-right party is now polling at 20% and is set to become the second largest party in the country. The interplay of historical ironies and window-dressing leave one speechless.

    No reasonable expression of solidarity can be made without due consideration to both sides. And now added to this will be hypocritical and opportunistic protestations of these plainly obvious and factual observations.

    • Guest says:

      I would be curious to know how many of the musicians are engaging in these gestures of their own volition, versus being strong-armed by their peers into choosing a side.

      • william osborne says:

        As it turns out, the ribbons were in support of the UN’s program to help 120 million refugees worldwide. They were not about the Israel/Hamas war. I’m sure the musicians happily wore the ribbons.

    • Jewelyard says:

      Your “both-sidesing” is so nauseating and long-winded. Every single casualty in Gaza is the fault of Hamas, who refuse every ceasefire proposal. They are quite fine to sacrifice every life in Gaza. And the famine?
      You can ask your boys in Hamas why they keep stealing the massive amount of food that is sent there. So tired of ignoramuses like you applying blame to the “far-right Netanyahu dictatorship.” You know nothing, and should simply keep your piehole shut.

    • Yaron says:

      Your “facts” come from Hamas – and were found to by absolute lies by the UN, the friendliest possible forum for antisemites!

    • Simon says:

      The music world’s had enough of you, your opinions, and what you call “composing”.

    • Barry says:

      Two words missing from your comment, as usual:


      And I could add “terrorists” – you know, the people that Israel’s ordnance has somehow managed to miss completely.

      You really are a piece of work.

    • M2N2K says:

      Calling Hamas propaganda figures “factual” is pure chutzpah.

    • william osborne says:

      It is worth noting that five of the six comments to my post (at this point) seem clearly based on racial hatred. And of course, they are all anonymous. I think the racial hatred on both sides is a result of almost a century of continual war. This war-induced racial hatred, which has existed for decades now, is the most intractable part of the problem blocking peace. I think it is also why Israel, of all places, has developed a far-right government. How can this problem be solved?

      • Barry says:

        “I think the racial hatred on both sides is a result of almost a century of continual war.”

        Or, to put it another way, attacks ON israel.

        • william osborne says:

          Beyond absurd. Both sides attack each other. It is exactly this sort of chauvinistic, willful blindness that creates war.

      • Simon says:

        No racial hatred at all, I just think you’re a colossal bullsh*tter. Here and elsewhere.

  • Erik Terwan says:

    Good. But why not yellow ribbons like everyone else?

    • william osborne says:

      Apparently, Norman is mistaken. There are reports that the blue ribbons aren’t even about the the hostages but in support of the 120 million refugees worldwide.

  • Sweedmusic says:

    Thank you, Berlin Phil!

  • Shalom Rackovsky says:


  • Erik says:

    120 Israeli hostages that Israel’s government has proven again and again that it doesn’t care about. Still Hamas bakes them birthday cakes, takes care of their dogs, etc. Vs. 9,360 Palestinian hostages being held captive by Israel, where they are with great certainty being tortured, starved, dehumanized, broken & driven crazy. Germans are at it again, supporting and enabling genocide. Nearly 25% of Israeli weapons used in Gaza come from Germany. Shame on the Berlin Philharmonic. Schämen Sie sich!

    • James says:

      Bakes them birthday cakes? Thry have been enslaved, raped, beaten, in at least one case had a limb cut off, and most are now most probably being held in airless underground prisons (like the ones already discovered by the IDF). The only genocide going on is the Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran campaign to destroy Israel and Jews. Stop supporting terrorism! Disgusting comment.

  • Genius Repairman says:

    Good on them! Releasing the hostages would lead to a ceasefire and help pave the way for future peace. The fact that pro Palestinian protesters don’t call for this as part of their agenda is deeply troubling to me. Just as you can support Israel and be against the war, you can support the Palestinian cause for self determination while condemning hostage taking and cold blooded murder.

  • James says:

    A beautiful gesture.

  • Mimi says:

    Not true though… the ribbons were worn for UNO Flüchtlingshilfe (in English: UN Refugee Aid Germany), a German organisation.
    This was also mentioned during the live broadcast.
    The Berlin Phil have been ambassadors of the organisation since 2021.

  • Glue ear says:

    Quite a lot of misapprehensions on this page aren’t there Norman?

    • william osborne says:

      The misapprehension apprently being Norman’s. The report is apparently false and the blue ribbons are in support of the world’s refugee problem.

  • Eyal Weinberger says:

    Please update also the title in the Facebook post