BBC hires American principal guest

BBC hires American principal guest


norman lebrecht

June 21, 2024

Edwin Outwater, music director of the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony in Canada from 2007 to 2017, has been named Principal Guest Conductor and curator of the BBC Concert Orchestra.

The chief conductor is Anna Maria Helsing,

Not sure what the curator bit is about.

Outwater, 53, conducted last year’s sold-out Northern Soul Prom.

In other guest news, the Italian-Turkish Nil Venditti has clocked in as Principal Guest Conductor of the Royal Northern Sinfonia.


  • David Hyslop says:

    Congrats to Edwin and good choice !

  • Rob says:

    “curator” = newspeak for concert programmer and/or producer. It’s a completely unnecessary, pretentious term coined by people who know as much music as I did when I was 16.

  • bored muso says:

    Why oh why hire another foreign conductor when there are several expert light music conductors already conducting this band??
    What has he got to offer (other than being a brash American famed for conducting drag queens) than British conductors already doing the job?
    A waste of money and insulting to those already on the UK rosta

    • IClaudiusArrauius says:

      You really don’t know s#$t about what he can do, or his background and expertise. I knew there would be one of you mouthing off here.