Bartok gets the Levit treatment

Bartok gets the Levit treatment

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

June 11, 2024

Some curious expressions in a newly uploaded Bartok concertto featuring the winner of the German National award.


  • May says:

    This is from the Bartok Festival which took place earlier this year. Levit was supposed to perform all three piano concertos, however he only learned the third. Apparently being an anti-fascist doesn’t leave much time for practicing.

  • Mock Mahler says:

    No, no! There must never be ‘curious expressions’ in classical music.

  • Peter says:

    I’m not sure what expressions are curious nor whether this is a compliment or not, but I found his interpretation moving, thoughtful, and while a little slow at times in the latter part of the second movement very exciting.
    The contributions of the orchestra were equally impressive. I hope they get around to the other two concerti.

  • DPM says:

    What’s curious about it? Sounds pretty straight to me – and good.