BAM picks artistic director

BAM picks artistic director


norman lebrecht

June 30, 2024

Brooklyn Academy of Music has chosen veteran programmer Amy Cassello as its Artistic Director.

BAM President Gina Duncan said: ‘Amy is a deep thinker who considers the needs of artists and arts workers at every turn. As a longstanding BAM programmer and creative producer, she intimately understands our role in the arts ecosystem. I could not have a better partner in leading BAM’s artistic programming at this pivotal moment.’


  • E Rand says:

    This will end well.

  • gfg says:

    What artistic programming? It’s barely a tiny fraction of what it used to be.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      I was going to say something similar, but at this point I really don’t care any longer about the Brooklyn Academy.

      There was at time (20+ years ago), when Manhattanites would regularly trek over to Brooklyn. Tons to see at BAM.

      Like Lincoln Center Inc., BAM has lost its way, badly.

  • BAMmer says:

    Does not portend any reform to BAM’s downward spiral of dividing audiences and losing patrons. This past week, BAM proudly e-mailed everybody an invitation to an MSNBC political rally this September, part of their official government-subsidized “arts” season, asking $800 for the central event in addition to almost $200 just to sit there and watch. They also want you to pay $44 to watch a political video also being broadcast on MSNBC. You can’t make this stuff up:

    • Strudy says:

      The website clearly indicates “This event is presented by MSNBC. BAM house and ticketing policies may not apply. BAM membership benefits do not apply.” In other words, MSNBC rented the space.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        Many people don’t quite get the concept of hall rentals, which includes the hiring of stagehands and box office services. These are not “presentations”.