Asia cancels Roth’s orchestra

Asia cancels Roth’s orchestra


norman lebrecht

June 05, 2024

Les Siecles have lost a November tour to Korea and Japan following ots conductor Francois-Xavier Roth’s suspension over indecent images.

The local organisers ‘sincerely apologise’ for the inconvenience and promise ‘to do our best to create a healthy performance culture’.


  • Kurt Hasselhoff says:

    Why not just get a different conductor???

    • Ruben Greenberg says:

      Good question! Why should the whole orchestra be punished for the behavior of their conductor. They have worked with other fine conductors.

      • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

        Working “under the baton” of a conductor has just received a new meaning.

      • Antwerp Smerle says:

        If FXR is the CEO as well as the Music Director, he can presumably call the shots: “if I can’t conduct them, then no-one else shall”.

        With so many dodgy bandmasters around these days, the autonomy of orchestras like the OAE is increasingly attractive.

    • will says:

      The ‘King’s Consort’ tried to carry on as usual, but with a different ‘director’, while its founder was in prison for a few years, but in order to do that they had to re-invent themselves with a different name.

  • Save the MET says:

    It is my understanding that both Japan and Korea have thriving porn cultures despite the fact that Japan censors the naughty bits. It’s time these countries rise above their faux puritanism and embrace the fact that not everyone will adhere to their public face. The hipocricy is ludicrous in 2024.