All change at Kronos Quartet

All change at Kronos Quartet


norman lebrecht

June 01, 2024

Janet Cowperthwaite, who has managed the pioneering group for 43 years is stepping aside:

‘When I first met Kronos in 1981, I was a college student. I could not have imagined the amazing world that would unfold. It has been a privilege and honor to work with Kronos, one of the most important, creative forces of our time. They are incredible musicians and I have always been grateful for their trust and friendship. I have deeply valued the talented and committed KPAA staff, past and present – without which none of the successes would have been possible – and our Board of Directors, a steadfast foundation of support over the years. Our collective efforts have brought a lot of wonderful music into the world.’

The picture is just as I remember them on first acquaintance, four decades ago.



  • John Borstlap says:

    We should be very grateful for the valuable contributions of Kronos to classical music:

    …. so that we get rid of the stuffy, elitist & pretentious idea of what ‘quartet music’ is – still done by silly younsters who don’t understand their own time:

  • Guest says:

    A box set would be nice.

  • John says:

    Kronos has always been an interesting little side show and is responsible for a lot of commissions so we should be thankful for that… but as a performing group they’re pretty mediocre.

  • Presenter says:

    Janet is a legend in the business, leading the business side of Kronos with skill, savvy, and heart. She helped create an incredible legacy through commissioning projects, residencies, tours, licensing, recordings, different lineups, and more. A total class act as an administrator and as a human.