Opera of the Week: Albert Herring gets pickled

Opera of the Week: Albert Herring gets pickled


norman lebrecht

June 21, 2024

Albert Herring, brought to you by Slippedisc, courtesy of OperaVision is librettist Eric Crozier’s take on a story by Maupassant and transforms it into a quintessentially English comedy. Britten’s music characterises the inhabitants with a biting satirical wit – but there’s a touch of affection, too, for a vanished way of life. Opera North’s delightful production is staged in the intimacy of the Howard Assembly Room, the perfect environment for Giles Havergal’s staging which set the action in opera’s own period, mid-twentieth century complete with woollen pullovers and gingham blouses. The excellent ensemble includes some rising stars already seen on OperaVision including the welcome of Dafydd Jones in the title role and Katie Bray (Nancy), who recently dazzled in Garsington’s Il barbiere di Siviglia.

The Plot:  the village of Loxford is looking for its May Queen (the personification of spring time innocence) but all candidates are deemed morally unsuitable. Desperate, the locals decide a May King will have to do instead. They choose the blameless Albert Herring from the local fruit and vegetable shop. He isn’t keen but, stuck firmly under his mother’s thumb, he’ll do what he is told. However, after one rum-laced lemonade at the May Day ceremony, Albert disappears… and even greater chaos ensues.

Sung in English with subtitles in English.

Available on Friday 21st Jun 1900 CET  /  1800 London   /  1300 New York

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  • Truth Hurts says:

    Brits love ‘Albert Herring’, but in the USA it is relegated to that group of shorter works that are convenient for colleges and universities to put on a double-bill. I can’t abide this opera, but then again, I’m a clueless American.
    ‘Peter Grimes’ is in my top-five faves list, and I think ‘Death in Venice’ is grossly underrated . Now I’ll wait for the world to attack me and defend ‘Albert Herring’?!

    • Joel Kemelhor says:

      While the Decca recording directed by Britten is entertaining, I found the opera encountered onstage was not engaging. That said, it is thanks to “Albert Herring” that I know what Swan Vestas are.

    • Alice Nelson says:

      What do you not like about Albert Herring?

    • S. J. Jackson says:

      Albert Herring runs to nearly 2.5 hours, but Americans love to get their money’s worth in a double bill.

    • Barry says:

      Defend against what? You haven’t said why you can’t abide it, which is not particularly helpful.