Unemployed get free opera tickets

Unemployed get free opera tickets


norman lebrecht

May 28, 2024

Greek National Opera is offering 1,500 free seats to unemployed people for the dress rehearsal of Giacomo Puccini’s ‘Tosca’ this Friday night at 9pm.

The show is being staged at the Herodes Atticus Odeon in Athens.

Apparently, this is the ninth year the GNO has reached out to the workless.


  • V.Lind says:

    Love it.

    I wonder, should such a scheme be introduced in Britain or the US, how attendance would be in those 1500 seats…

    • zandonai says:

      considering less than 2% of the US population are interested in classical music, the unemployeed would be more likely found camping outside the opera house and concert hall than inside.

  • zandonai says:

    I don’t know many unemployed people who like opera except maybe “phantom”.