UK refuses residency to rising US soprano

UK refuses residency to rising US soprano


norman lebrecht

May 26, 2024

Under the headline’World-class soprano denied right to settle in the UK’ the Telegraph takes up the case of Erika Baikoff, 25, a Russian-born American artist.

Selected for the Metropolitan Opera Lindemann Young Artist Development Program, Baikoff has sung at ENO, where she was described as ‘world class’ and taken a degree at Guildhall School of Music.

She has an agent in London and wanted to remain here, but the Home Office has ruled that she spends too much time on tour to be granted residency.

Story here.

photo: Met Opera


  • Tiredofitall says:

    Austria is always a fallback…

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Laughable. And that when we grant residency and more to some who spend too much time here…

  • Helpsalot says:

    She’s the wrong color to be allowed to live in the land of everything grey. (Daevid Allen)

  • Georg says:

    She is an outstanding soprano!

  • Pat says:

    Why on earth does the government not want the income tax revenue her worldwide income will produce for the treasury…are they totally bonkers?

    • Martin Snell says:

      The UK government would not be in receipt of her worldwide income. She would merely have to declare her worldwide income. Income tax will be levied on her earnings everywhere she appears as a non-resident of that jurisdiction but she would be able to ckaim any expenditure related to that income against her worldwide income. She will also have to continue to file a US tax return. The moot point is whether she would earn any income in the UK at all.

      • Pat says:

        I’ve toured the world as a musician and pay my income tax to HMRC apart from withholding tax.

      • Maria says:

        Exactly, and what’s wrong with America and then come to Britain, likely a London, when she has work? Is she Russian or American? Says she’s either Russian-American or American-Russian.

      • Sal says:

        Martin What makes you think there would be no recitals, no Royal Opera House no recordings no worldwide royalties no teaching for her in the UK?

  • Steve says:

    She should have “identified” as an activist Palestinian. She’d be given the keys to the city! Etc

  • MJ Handelman says:

    Not surprising as the British government is run by uncultured spivs & morons!

  • Barry says:

    Typical of the Civil Service and the Home Office in particular. Avoid difficult immigration issues and go after the low hanging fruit.


  • Herbie G says:

    She missed a trick. If she’d turned up on one of those dinghies she would have been welcomed and given hotel accomodation from where she could have applied for permanent residency.

  • Ziggs says:

    Aren’t bureaucracies amazingly bizarre? And behind this no residency decision no doubt are the intellectuals, those people who produce nothing and who are never held accountable for their policies.

  • Kurt Walter Schwager says:

    If she was a soccer/football player she would be welcomed. Bureaucrats are blockheads. (And don’t even ask what Brexit has done to UK touring musicians!)

  • Robert Holmén says:

    What’s wrong with living in the US for our American Soprano?

    It has flight connections to may places, should the need arise.

    The UK should grant her a live-here-but-not-work-here visa. Get her cost-of-living spending into the British economy but don’t displace any British singers form earning their incomes.

    • Tamino says:

      You need an update how the music world works. Like for the last 300 years. So did Mozart displace Austrian composers. And all the Italian musicians working and living north of the Alps. They were displacing German and Austrian musicians.
      How about Wagner in Riga and Paris? Chopin in Paris?

      Thank God music overcomes borders. But not the borders in some people‘s minds apparently.

      Did you type this on an American/Chinese/Korean smartphone? Why not on a good British smartphone?

  • BAME says:

    It is easy when you put “world class” in front of it and you neglected many unfortunate great singers who came from third world country and worked their ass off without scholarship just because of their color plus they play by the rule to get the expensive visa. When there is a pure white blonde singer who doesn’t play the rule as the other BAME singers, they play as victim. Its still a white culture washing off the rule for their own advantage.