Two women replace sick Christian Thielemann

Two women replace sick Christian Thielemann


norman lebrecht

May 14, 2024

The Staatskapelle Dresden has lost its former maestro to illness for a European tour, starting next Sunday.

Jumping in at Dresden, Vienna and Hamburg is Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla (pictured.

Taking over in Paris, Essen, Cologne and Vienna (again) is Marie Jacquot.

Lucky they were free at short notice.


  • Angelo Gervasio says:

    It’s a real shame that Thielemann had to cancel his tour with the Staatskapelle Dresden. He’s never usually ill and lots of people are probably upset, especially the Viennese. I hope he will be better in time for his concert with the Concertgebouw Orchestra next month, which I’ll be attending.

  • Thomas M. says:

    Either can only be an improvement on the Great White Schlepp.

  • Marie says:

    What a disappointment !
    D. Harding or C. Meister would have been a better choice.

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    Tyla-frau statt Thielemann

  • WU says:

    Jacquot is an excellent improvement! Good for me^^

  • Manu says:

    Both conductors managed by Nora Pötter who sells the tour, so all the honey stays in the same pot. Very easy to forsee.

    • Marie says:

      Do you know if Nora Pötter sells the tours of the Wiener and Berliner Philharmoniker (september 2024 and may 2025)?

  • Observer says:

    Strange that they did not ask Daniele Gatti as the next Music Director of the Orchestra. Or maybe they asked but he still is persona non grata for the cities/organizations hosting the orchestra? In any case a strange decision to have a new music director who had been fired by another orchestra for sexual misconduct.

  • Jcr says:

    So stunning and brave (puke)

  • Allma Own says:

    I’m sure there were many others available, this is blatant discrimination against men and people of superior training and experience.

  • zandonai says:

    are they trying to say 2 women conductors are equivalent to 1 white male?

  • Donald Judge says:

    Regrettable misogynist headline.

  • Lin says:

    Reducing the conductors in the headline to “two women conductors” is disrespectful and misogynistic. Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla was a Dudamel fellow, conducted in Birmingham, and has a Grammy-winning album. Marie Jacquot is the principal conductor with the royal Danish orchestra and was, just last year, principal guest conductor in Vienna. Show some respect!