Thielemann rolls out his Berlin parade

Thielemann rolls out his Berlin parade


norman lebrecht

May 13, 2024

Christian Thielemann, incoming Generalmusikdirektor of Berlin’s Staatsoper Unter den Linden, has presented his first season, together with incoming intendant Elisabeth Sobotka.

The new shows include Gounod’s Romeo et Juliette, Kurtag’s Endgame, Rattle conducting Janacek’s Mr Broucek, Bellini’s Norma, Bernard Foccroulle’s Cssandra and Thielemann conducting Strauss’ Die schweigsame Frau.

Photo: Staatsoper


  • Chet says:

    I don’t understand, this is his first full season, and he conducts only 3 concert programs and 1 opera? What’s he doing with the rest of his time? RenĂ© Pape, who sings multlple roles in multiiple operas, will spend more time in the house than Thielemann.

    (If it is really only that much of a time commitment, no wonder people are taking on 2 or more major directorships simultaneously.

    • eyal braun says:

      Probably by the time he was announced as the new musical director, less than a year ago, his diary was relatively full: He appears next year multiple times in the Vienna opera and with the VPO, and he was committed himself to do a new “Ring” in La Scala over the next seasons (starting in Nov 2024 with Rheingold).

      • Petros Linardos says:

        Moreover, Thielemann never seems to spread himself thin. Even his detractors should give him credit for this virtue. It is very rare among today’s high-flying conductors.

    • SUGGERITORE says:

      He was engaged only 11 months before starting his new post. His diary will have been full for the next 4/5 years then.

    • IP says:

      We all understand your frustration with being unable to complain that the repertoire is old fashioned, retrograde and reactionary