So is the Concertgebouw safe enouw?

So is the Concertgebouw safe enouw?


norman lebrecht

May 17, 2024

The University of Amsterdam is due to reopen today after violent demonstrations over the Gaza war caused 1.5 million Euros worth of damage.

The Concertgebouw, which cancelled two concerts by the Jerusalem Quartet, fearing for the safety of ‘staff, musicians and audiences’ (in that order, will now go ahead with once concert ‘with tightened security measures, adjusted visitor flows, and an adjusted starting time.’

But the hall’s original decision is still under scrutiny. The mayor of Amsterdam, the police and the public prosecutor said they were not consulted by the C’bouw over its decision to cancel until after the concerts had been called off.

Many of the world’s leading musicians erupted in protest.

The Concertgebouw management has yet to give a satisfactory explanation.

Last night’s symphony concert passed without incident.


  • Shanti says:

    The current turmoil is causing widespread disruption globally. Those beyond the realm of classical music are aware and observant of these injustices. They are discerning individuals.

    • Hilary says:

      The blocking aid trucks bound for Gaza is one of many injustices . Citizens are doing it . The police and military are making it possible .

  • Freshly squeezed says:

    As this quartet are supposed to be cultural ambassadors for Israel, a country which has just slaughtered thirty five thousand plus innocent people with the assistance of the USA and UK etc, perhaps the Concertgebouw et al will invite Gergiev and all of the other Russian musical political footballs for concerts now that it appears all can ‘read between the lines’, so to speak.

    • Stefan says:

      I have an even better idea. Why not invite a Hamas quartet, for a balanced approach?

    • Michael says:

      Tragically your right…all the nobel prizes in history can not justify the killing…it seems Israel is the new old germany…

    • Yizhar says:

      Freshly squeezed – We defeated the likes of yours in 1945 and we will defeat you in 2024

    • Stella says:

      How superficial!!!
      No Ucrainians crossed into Russia and slaughtered thousands of babies and innocent civilians in their beds or a party and kidnapped hundreds of others, forcing the Russians to declare war.
      The comparison between the two wars is a shameful manipulation.

  • Todd says:

    Racism is bad.

  • Sam says:

    It’s still odd to me how the industry jumped on the bandwagon to cancel concerts by Gergiev, Netrebko and other Putin allies but doesn’t raise any concern about an Israeli quartet appearing in major western venues.

    To me, it’s a double standard, plain and simple. Russia invades and bombards Ukrainians = Israeli invades and bombards Palestinians in Gaza. Artists from each side should bear the cost.

    • soavemusica says:

      “Russia invades and bombards Ukrainians = Israeli invades and bombards Palestinians in Gaza. ”


      The US betrays the collapsed USSR and seeks NATO enlargement against promised, prevents peace negotiations in Ukraine in 2022. Yes, that happened.

      The majority of the Palestinians vote Hamas, a terrorist organization. Yes, that happened.

      So, selecting narrative and those cancelled accordingly is quite possible.

      Artists, choose your flags. Only Pride is mandatory.

    • Okay says:

      You seem to miss a big point here. HAMAS (Gaza) attacked Israel, not vice-versa 😉

    • Pablo Casals says:

      Please remind me of the moment thousands of Ukrainian terrorists invaded Russia and slaughtered thousands of Russian men, women, children and babies, raped girls, burnt families alive and took Russian hostages back to Ukraine. I must have missed it!

    • John Borstlap says:

      The JSQ has not made declarations of their support of Netanyanu, but Gergiev etc. made declarations of their support of the Kremlin. Also, there is no sign that Ukraine attacked Russia first, as Hamas did in Israel. Yes, facts are difficult.

  • zandonai says:

    VERY SIMPLE SOLUTION… have all the Israeli artists sign a letter blasting Netanyahu’s regime and the atrocities in Gaza. If they refuse, then they will be blacklisted like the pro-Putin artists.

  • John Borstlap says:

    The concert will be safe because I don’t take my PA with me.

  • Alan says:

    Drawing attention in this post to the seriousness of the recent protests in Amsterdam (I was there last week) seems to me to fully justify Concertgebouw’s caution. Thoughtless criticism and knee-jerk reaction on grounds of offended Jewish sensibility is imo unjustified. The situation now seems resolved. Let it be.