Renowned piano prof retires

Renowned piano prof retires


norman lebrecht

May 13, 2024

The Oberlin Conservatory is marking the retirement of Peter Takács after 48 years with varied concerts and celebrations, including a new work by Robert Spano, one of his star students.

Romanian by birth, Takács joined Oberlin in 1976 while pursuing an active concert career.

Interview here.


  • drummerman says:

    Any relation to the founder of the Takacs Quartet?

  • Scott Price says:

    Congratulations, Peter. Always something meaningful to say, and an outstanding legacy. Thank you for your profound dedication to our profession.

  • ashby says:

    In the interview linked above, he speaks of playing contemporary music early on. That was his focus in a day of master classes he gave at Knox College just before he joined Oberlin. I particularly remember him playing several Cage pieces for prepared piano. Mr. Takacs opened this then-young student’s mind about where the piano and music could actually go. He’s indeed a marvelous player, teacher, and person.

  • zandonai says:

    I hope he didn’t teach Yuja Wang, her Chopin recital last night in Los Angeles was just plain weird.

  • Steve Shuck says:

    Mr. Takács had the most profound impact on my musicianship at Oberlin. He also really believed in me, and inspired me to believe in myself. He gave me enormous freedom, and though I frustrated him with my antics—by now I at 42 have *almost* outgrown them–I could tell he really valued that freedom.

    His Beethoven sonatas are top notch, for any interested.