Orchestra hires a maestro, maybe

Orchestra hires a maestro, maybe


norman lebrecht

May 30, 2024

The Southwest Florida Symphony is ‘thrilled to announce the appointment of rising star, Maestro Stilian Kirov, as the Southwest Florida Symphony’s Interim Artistic Advisor and Principal Conductor for the upcoming 64th Season.’

Just interim? And just for the coming season? Like so many other music organisations, it sounds like Florida cannot make up its mind.

Chief Executive Officer, Amy Ginsburg, said, “There was immediate professional chemistry upon my first conversation with Maestro Kirov. His experience with regional orchestras, his artistic flexibility and open-mindedness, and his obvious passion for the work he does immediately informed us that he would be a great fit for this role.”


  • Bobby says:

    Their MD had a sudden departure and an official search will likely happen soon.

    • Kman says:

      Or is only out for the season? She’s still listed very prominently all over their webpage.

      • Florida says:

        Wrong orchestra. I think you are thinking of South Florida Symphony, not Southwest. We only wish she was out.

  • Eric Wright says:

    I’ve worked for Mr. Kirov in the past, and he’s a very sweet and genuine person.

  • Edo says:

    Thrilled, but just for six months LOL

  • Mark Cogley says:

    “Interim” is a euphemism for “trial”. If they like him, they can solidify the relationship.

  • J Barcelo says:

    Kirov is very talented, pleasant and hard working. I’ve seen him with the Bakersfield symphony. A Julliard graduate. But maybe has too many orchestras. He needs to settle down in one place and really build a career.

  • Roger Rocco says:

    Only the orchestra members are qualified to decide to hire him. Administration and trustees are absolutely unqualified and should abide by the orchestra’s input!

  • Millie says:

    Orchestra member here. How entertaining to read comments and assumptions by people who have no idea what’s going on. It’s an advisory appointment for now, as our MD accepted a new position out west.

  • CGDA says:

    At least it’s not that joke of Klaus Mäkelä!