New principal horn and oboe in Stuttgart radio orch

New principal horn and oboe in Stuttgart radio orch


norman lebrecht

May 19, 2024

The SWR symphony orchestra has chosen Jonas Gira as principal horn and Raquel Perez-Juana as principal oboe.

Jonas is a local lad.

Raquel is a Spanish graduate of the Barenboim-Said academy.

The orchestra’s chief conductor is the contentious Teodor Currentzis. He is about to make way, to general relief, for Francois Xavier Roth.



  • Lulu says:

    Two different things. One has passed his trial year ( solo horn), the other one has won the audition and hasn’t started.

  • Matthias P. says:

    Jonas Gira just finished his probationary year with the orchestra and was awarded full tenure last week. Raquel Perez-Juana won the audition a few days ago and has not yet begun performing with the orchestra. Teodor Currentzis is the orchestra’s chief conductor for another two weeks. It was already been announced that the next music director will be François-Xavier Roth.

  • Joseph Lori says:

    Please find a new name for your publication.
    People who have had actual slipped discs before will tell you that a slipped disc is no laughing matter !!

  • Mark says:

    Where is a photo of the new principal hornist?

  • professional musician says:

    Currentzis is almost history…Francois Xavier Roth will return as music director next season.Thank God!!!!!