Lang Lang’s teaching methods are … unusual

Lang Lang’s teaching methods are … unusual


norman lebrecht

May 28, 2024

This can’t be what he learned at Curtis.

The masterclass student here is Van Cliburn finalist Clayton Stephenson.



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  • Ich bin Ereignis says:

    How refreshing, liberating and inspiring. I suspect Lang Lang might be a fantastic teacher. Unlike many music teachers out there — some of them rather well-known — I don’t detect here a single shred of negativity. Rather, it seems to be all about authenticity, sincerity, and giving the student the most crucial asset needed to have a successful musical career: confidence and belief in oneself.

  • Fan says:

    I highly recommend to watch this masterclass in full. It’s the 2016 classe d’excellence he gave at the Louis Vuitton foundation in Paris, available on YouTube. Also the one he gave on the Beethoven 23rd Sonata at the same event. Probably one of the best lessons given ever. Makes it immediately obvious his caliber of artistry. What a fantastic artist

  • 88 says:

    I saw him give a masterclass at a teacher convention. He was very positive and encouraging, connected well with the student, and truly helped the student explore the score and try for deeper expression of the music – he made the entire class all about the students. I don’t know how he would be with long-term development, but he was great in this setting.

  • NoFan says:

    As much as i am not a fan of Lang lang, I must admit this was a fun video. His taste is getting even wilder…check out the newer teaching video he released last year Still fun, I guess.

    • Margaret Koscielny says:

      This was utterly charming! Thank you for sharing.

      I met Lang Lang after his debt with the NY Phil, and he was a lovely, charming, warm-spirited person.

  • V.Lind says:

    I attended a Lang Lang master class a few years ago and was very impressed by the quality of his approach to the young aspirants. As Ich Bin Ereignis noted, no negativity. We had attended a so-so concert by him the previous evening; attending this class was a revelation.

  • Jobim75 says:

    He seems a devoted teacher but he doesn’t have much to bring in terms of esthetics, style or music history…. remember how Harnoncourt lectured him about Mozart…. maybe he can teach a lot about Disney….

  • zandonai says:

    Like a lot of renowned piano pedagogues, Lang Lang will find more love in classes than on stage. I have stopped attending his concerts.

  • Emil says:

    Like the style (and the musical advice) or not…it worked. That’s what matters. And masterclasses are to give tools to students – the student will then get to work on their own to see whether they like this style or not. It’s not diktat, it’s playing around as a teaching method. No student should walk out of an hour-long (or half-hour) masterclass and completely change what they do without reflection. Lang Lang gives them ideas and possibilities, they can then determine if it’s for them or not.