Korean cellist, 17, wins in Poland

Korean cellist, 17, wins in Poland


norman lebrecht

May 13, 2024

Kim Tae-yeon has won the 12th Witold Lutoslawski International Cello Competition in Warsaw.

She takes home 20,000 Euros and a fistful of engagements after triumphing in Lutoslawski’s Grave, for concerto.

Second and third were Poles, Maria Leszczyńska and Antoni Wrona.


  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Piano, cello, viola, and, to some extent, violin: South Korea is really on top of the world.

    This small country has catapulted to the top not only in music but also electronics (and much else) in a matter of a few decades.
    China PRC has been catching up but not nearly at the same standard, at least by ratio (given China PRC’s number of music students).

    Many young Koreans are winning the biggest contests without having studied formally in the West, and they are building international careers just the same. Who needs a degree from Curtis, Juilliard, or Berlin? Seoul is the place to be