Janacek gets a new conductor

Janacek gets a new conductor


norman lebrecht

May 03, 2024

The Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava, in the east of the Czech Republic, has chosen Daniel Raiskin as its next artistic director.

He succeeds the Russian Vassily Sinaisky, who gives his farewell concerto tonight.

Raiskin, 54, is music director if the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra in Canada and outgoing chief conductor of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra in Bratislava.


  • Miss R. Goldberg says:

    I had the pleasure of hearing the orchestra several times at the Janacek Festival at Hukvaldy. It’s a really good orchestra

  • Jonathan Sutherland says:

    Maestro Raiskin is a very solid choice for the Janáček Philharmonic.
    His track record in Winnipeg, as well as frequent appearances as principal guest conductor of the Belgrade Philharmonic, have been consistently impressive.
    As a courageous and outspoken opponent of Putin’s
    invasion of Ukraine, he may also feel more comfortable in pro-Kyiv Czech Republic than in rapidly backsliding Slovakia.

  • Donald Hansen says:

    This is an excellent orchestra. Two examples are Brilliant Classics CDs of the Nielsen symphonies and Smetana tone poems conducted by the American Theodore Kuchar.

  • Pat Boylan says:

    I was privileged to see and hear Raiskin’s conducting at a wonderful performance of Shostakovich’s 5th symphony in Bratislava a few weeks ago. Sounds like a great choice.

  • Evan Tucker says:

    Like Sinaisky, an incredibly underrated name who should be in front of the world’s best.