Jacobs picks London Ukrainian as piano professor

Jacobs picks London Ukrainian as piano professor


norman lebrecht

May 26, 2024

The Indiana University Jacobs School of Music has chosen Dinara Klinton as associate professor of music in piano, starting August 1.

Klinton, who is from Kharkiv,has been living in the UK for the past doenz years, teaching at the Royal College of Music and the Yehudi Menuhin School.

Jacobs is renowned as a powerhouse piano school.


  • ViolinPiano says:

    She’s an impressive artist, and I heard a few of her Menuhin students, her work really showed in their playing..

    • Esfir Ross says:

      Dinara Klinton’s from Ukraine. She’s not of Ukrainien origin. Congratulation on her appointment.

  • Mark Mortimer says:

    Its actually not much of a ‘power house piano school’ Norman. It wasn’t even much of a one when I was there 25 years ago & hardly comparable with centres of keyboard excellence such as Juilliard or Moscow. Yes- Sebok & Pressler were still around & the inspiring Nauomoff was new to the faculty & Auer was good for Chopin. But apart from that- the piano professors were as poor as the clapped out pianos on offer.

  • Maladezt says:

    Great! I hope she enjoys her $35 per hour job.

  • Elaine Klimasko says:

    I did a sabbatical year at IU to work with the renowned Josef Gingold. This school offers the best of everything to aspiring young musicians. It is in a beautiful and peaceful location and the atmosphere is encouraging and stimulating offering a wonderful balance to the students. The prestigious faculty is amazing and the programmes and opportunities offered are as good as it gets!

  • Klinton says:

    Guys, please don’t you worry about my finances. I’ve earned so much to the date that I can afford to work for free

  • Dina Parakhina says:

    Huge congratulations to Dinara with this marvellous appointment! Dinara is an outstanding pianist who deserves to play in the best halls all over the world. Her students are lucky to have her. She is a dedicated and highly gifted teacher with solid experience. Frankly it’s a bit sad to read some inappropriate and silly comments coming from unkind people. It would be better to keep your jealousy to yourself but not demonstrate it publicly.