It’s royal professor Hilary Hahn

It’s royal professor Hilary Hahn


norman lebrecht

May 28, 2024

The Royal Academy of Music in London has appointed violinist Hilary Hahn as Visiting Professor.

It probably won’t take up much of her time.

Hahn, 44, is also the Juilliard School’s Visiting Artist in the Music Division in New York.



  • Michael says:

    Well done…

  • just saying says:

    Jobs like that usually mean they show up once or twice a semester, if even that, for a day of lessons, masterclasses, and a performance. She probably does that quite often in her regular schedule anyway.

  • Antonia Azoitei says:

    It’s actually great. While she does pop over to Wigmore (which usually sells out immediately and is harder to afford for students) or the Southbank for the odd Prokofiev Concerto, she doesn’t grace us with her presence in London all that often this will bring her into the Academy building for masterclasses and hopefully some private teaching and hopefully will bring her to London a tad more regularly. You can downplay it all you want but I’m happy for them.

  • Albert C Gallagher says:

    Congrats Hillary

  • Roger Rocco says:

    I don’t know what kind of a teacher she is but she’s a world class violinist so all she needs to do is demonstrate what the music should sound like for the students. They already know how to play their instruments. They need to know what to play on their instruments. She’s highly qualified and skilled to give them what they need.

    • zandonai says:

      It’s the name not the quality. But happily in this case we’ve got both.

    • Bill says:

      If you think that’s all there is to it, why bother with professors at all? Just go have a listen to Heifetz or Milstein on youtube.

  • Edward Seymour says:

    Brava, Ms. Hahn! I’ve followed your career since you were a teenager and have yet to hear you perform a concert in person. Hoping that opportunity arises soon. …❤️

    • Victoria in Denver says:

      She’s performing in Houston, Texas, in May 2025. I hope it will be available to live stream. I haven’t seen her in person, either.

  • Tom says:

    She’s considered one of the best violinists of all time. I’m in awe when I watch her. What she does with seeming ease doesn’t seem possible.