How to hear the Jerusalem Quartet live in Amsterdam

How to hear the Jerusalem Quartet live in Amsterdam


norman lebrecht

May 18, 2024

The concert is at 7pm local (6pm London, 1pm New York).

Click below.


  • zandonai says:

    I have no desire to hear these people unless they sign an anti-Netanyahu petition and decry the invasion of Gaza. And that goes for all Israeli artists.

    • Martin says:

      This is hatred towards Jews and Israelis. According to your logic, should you also demand that all Arab artists sign a statement condemning Hamas for the massacre at the music festival on October 7?

      • zandonai says:

        This is hatred toward the current Israeli regime. My Jewish friends hate the guy also.
        Netanyahu, Putin, Hamas…all on my Shieeet List.

    • yaron says:

      I wish you and your likes will face a Hamas invasion: Rape, torture, killing etc. I am certain you will demonstrate the kind of moderation you expect from Israel.

    • Greenhouse says:

      Nobody asked you, lol

  • Hans Grootenhuijs says:

    Dutch Courage

    All this reminds me of what happened in the Concertgebouw in October 1940, five months after the Germans had occupied the Netherlands. Mahlers 1st Symphony was scheduled for October 10th. To please the Germans the board of the Concertgebouw deemed it wise to change the program and drop the Mahler Symphony.

    However, Willem Mengelberg, the conductor of that concert, refused. In stead he deliberately insisted to play the Mahler Symphony. And so it happened that Mahler was played for the last time in Nazi-occupied Europe.

    Hans Grootenhuijs