Holy smoke: Oxford grabs Westminster Abbey organist

Holy smoke: Oxford grabs Westminster Abbey organist


norman lebrecht

May 14, 2024

Even with royal highlights, nobody wants to remain on the subs bench.

press release:
Peter Holder, Sub-Organist at Westminster Abbey, has been appointed Organist and Official Student (Tutorial Fellow) at Christ Church, Oxford.

In his current role, Peter has been the chief musical assistant to the Organist and Master of the Choristers at Westminster Abbey, playing the organ for the Abbey’s daily services and accompanying the Abbey Choir in recordings and concerts. He also serves as deputy director of the Choir and assists in training the choristers.

Peter served as principal organist at the State Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II and last year’s Coronation of Their Majesties The King and Queen, for which he was recently made a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music.


  • Lapsed Organist says:

    A very well deserved appointment by a superb first class male organist and musician, well done Peter!

  • Nivis says:

    You may have noticed that organists now come as two varieties: organists, and woman organists. Like conductors and woman conductors. Composers and woman composers. I think it would be better that we just have organists, etc, and gender is immaterial. But we live in an age where discrimination is now a virtue. I hope this phase passes, but it is with us for now.

    I am guessing that Lapsed Organist is pointing this out.

    • GuestX says:

      Is Lapsed Organist being ironic? I would like to think so, but …

      • del-boy says:

        You don’t mean ironic. You mean sarcastic. Please don’t be American and mis use the language.


    • Una says:

      Yes, so few women in any organist job on England. All mostly Oxbridge males in cathedrals!

      • Lapsed Organist says:

        Yes, and it should stay that way.
        Playing the organ is a mans domain, not for those silly girlies who try to be butch and play football and rugby these days.
        Just wait til their tied back hair whacks another in the eye. Then we’ll see.

  • Una says:

    How wonderful.and to have such experience. LOVE to see talented and nice young people get on in this very, very hard music profession in Britain.