French culture minister bans ensemble over sex-pic conductor

French culture minister bans ensemble over sex-pic conductor


norman lebrecht

May 27, 2024

The board of FEVIS, the Fédération des Ensembles Vocaux et Instrumentaux Spécialisés, has expelled the renowned French ensemble Les Siècles after its founder-conductor Francois-Xavier Roth was found to have sent inappropriate images to female musicians.

Roth has suspended himself from conducting, pending an inquiry.

Fevis just went one further. The board, which is chaired by the former French culture minister Roselyne Bachelot, voted unanimously to remove Les Siècles from membership as ‘part of an exemplary approach and the uncompromising concern for the protection of musicians against sexist and sexual violence and harassment’.

In case you think this might be unfair on the musicians, Fevis hastened to avow ‘its support for the musicians as well as the administrative and technical teams of Les Siècles. It will remain particularly attentive to finding ways to overcome this crisis to enable the safeguarding of their activity and the pursuit of a unique project in the national and international musical landscape.’

Bachelot, 77, was Emanuel Macron’s minister of culture from 2020 to 2022. UPDATE: She does not officially become chair until next month, when she succeeds another former culture minister, the haut-fonctionnaire Jacques Toubon. In any event, an expulsion of this magnitude will have required her confirmation.


  • Richard says:

    Les Siècles is kicked out as an example but she supports the teams of Les Siècles ???

    What an imbecile she is !

  • yaron says:

    So the now unemployed would be protected…

  • Nathalie says:

    Bachelot sera présidente de la Fevis à partir du 19 juin. Le Communiqué est signé Jacques Toubon

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    The Fédération des Ensembles Vocaux et Instrumentaux Spécialisés has expelled Francois-Xavier Roth for sending dick pics to female misicians. He should have kept to sending his pics to revues spécialisées, as they say (still say?) in France.

  • IP says:

    Let’s kill them all to protect them from untoward practices.

  • Herbie G says:

    Why doesn’t she go the whole hog and ban all the tainted composers whose music Les Siècles has played?

    • Michael says:

      ‘She’ didn’t ban anyone. The article clearly states that this was a unanimous decision of the board. Why SD has singled this woman out is anyone’s guess ….

      C’est le fin de siecle but no doubt they will carry on with another name that hasn’t been stained by FXR.

  • CGDA says:

    Idiotic! However, the management should be jailed for failing to protect the workers.