Esa-Pekka is moved to tears

Esa-Pekka is moved to tears


norman lebrecht

May 22, 2024

Going up to receive the Polar Prize in Stockholm, the conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen had distinct streaks on his cheeks.


  • Janne says:

    He shares this illustrious prize with luminaries such as Valery Gergiev and Anna Netrebko. (Netrebko, somewhat incredibly for a Swedish prize, was nominated in 2020.) That is to say, this prize is just as meaningless as the rest.

    • Frank says:

      Yes, and a mutual backscratching society of millionaire artists.

    • Enquiring Mind says:

      Except that those are artists at the top of their field, judging by any objective criteria, Maybe they are not your favorites and perhaps the prize committee will seek your advice on the next go around.

    • Harry Collier says:

      Gergiev is an excellent conductor. And Netrebko is an excellent singer, What, exactly, is your problem?

  • zandonai says:

    I’ve just nominated myself for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • Herbie G says:

    It’s not the Nobel Prize, for sure, and who cares who else he shared it with. But it’s not the Iron Cross either, so congratulations to a fine conductor and wishing him well for the future.

  • notacynic says:

    plus he dropped his cso appearance doing mahler 2 this week for this. ah, Hubris.

    • chet says:

      He’s reached that stage in a career where collecting prizes is more lucrative than performing. (Anyway, you can reschedule an orchestra not a prize ceremony.)

      • Janne says:

        Perhaps collecting prizes has been his ultimate goal all along. That would explain why he would expend so much energy cultivating ties with media personalities, rather than spending more time studying scores to deepen his superficial readings.

  • Peter Feltham. says:

    What’s Benny Hill doing collecting a music award.

  • Peter says:

    Amazing, if you listen to his compositions or conducting you might wonder if he feels any emotion at all. It’s good to know a block of glass for his mantlepiece (and presumably a large wad of cash) bring out the emotion.

  • William M Carroll says:

    A great loss for San Francisco Symphony

    • Janne says:

      You really believe Salonen played zero part in this mess? How many weeks did he stay in SF every year? Did he engage with the local communities in any meaningful way at all? All he cared about was hobnobbing with the big shots in the Silicon Valley. Shame they don’t really give a damn about him.

  • Mark Mortimer says:

    I bet he is- all the money he’s making.