Covent Garden loses both second-cast Carmen leads

Covent Garden loses both second-cast Carmen leads


norman lebrecht

May 16, 2024

The Royal Opera has published two cast changes to Carmen on May 17, 20, and 23.

Ramona Zaharia comes in for Vasilisa Berzhanskaya in the title role and Adam Smith subs for Brandon Jovanovich as Don Jose.

Tickets are in plentiful supply.


  • Tom Phillips says:

    Who? (Except for Jovanovich of course).

  • Siegfried says:

    Someone has a maths problem if they think that 35 tickets (the highest number for any remaining performance) is plentiful in an auditorium seating over 2200!

    • Robin Worth says:

      Perhaps the comment reflected the dull and dreary production, which would have been derided had Ms Aigul A. not performed so powerfully

      • Elena T says:

        Absolutely. Her singing is divine. Better enjoy it with the eyes closed. The production is awful indeed.

    • Maria says:

      At this late stage, 35 is a lot for any opera at ROH, particularly bog standard Carmen in May. Normally well and truly sold out, but still expensive.

  • Stephen says:

    Adam Smith is a brilliant tenor

  • Michael says:

    I was rather surprised at your comment about tickets being in plentiful supply as Carmen tends to be sold out at most opera houses whatever the cast! The number of tickets available for the three May dates you mention are 13, 19 and 33! Hardly “plentiful”! Apology to the Royal Opera?!

  • Peter says:

    Did they both get sick or did they pullout from this production?

  • Federica says:

    Vasilisa Berzhanskaya is currently in London and rehearsing, she is down to sing the last three shows so maybe there was a change in dates between casts for other reasons.

  • Robert Parham says:

    No wonder tickets are plentiful it’s an awful production