Bruckner cycle mourns its leader

Bruckner cycle mourns its leader


norman lebrecht

May 30, 2024

The recording of the complete Bruckner symphonies, conducted by Maestro Rémy Ballot in the Basilica Church of St Florian has been shadowed by the sudden death of Thomas Wall, one of its chief instigators.

Thomas was Intendant of the Altomonte-Orchester St Florian and its principal cellist. He was widely known across Austrian orchestras.


  • Thomas M. says:

    Bruckner fanboys are the most rabid and volatile fans in classical music (with the possible exception of Furtwangler lovers). They’ll buy anything, even if it’s the 15th recording of a long-discredited Bruckner edition.
    But who, apart from those, truly needs YET another Bruckner cycle???