Another opera chief takes a hike

Another opera chief takes a hike


norman lebrecht

May 28, 2024

Virginia Opera is searching for a new CEO as Peggy Kriha Miller handed in her notice in after less than five years.

Terms are getting shorter, conditions tougher.

Miller says she wants to prioritise her family. A soprano who retired in 2017 after a 25-year career, Miller played Stella in Andre Previn’s A Streetcar Named Desire.


  • Joseph Civitano says:

    Someone should get Gelb out of The Met before he completely destroys it…..

  • zandonai says:

    Her photo looks great after a 25-year career.

  • Dominic Stafford says:

    She’s taken a company that was near extinction and has given them a working season.

  • Marc says:

    I applaud and support her decision and priorities