A silver lining from Ukraine

A silver lining from Ukraine

Album Of The Week

norman lebrecht

May 03, 2024

From the Lebrecht Album of the Week:

… The two works on this album portray a composer struggling with forces of history and fate on his doorstep. Widmung (Dedication) is a kind of violin concerto written for Gidon Kremer in 1990 as the Soviet Union was collapsing. Silvestrov’s wife, Larissa Bondarenko, died around the time of its Munich premiere. Kremer’s recording, for a now-defunct label, vanished into ether (though it can be found on AppleClassical). Silvestrov pieces together fragments of a disintegrating world, using orchestral instruments to maintain a semblance of continuity. The effect is, at once, disturbing and consoling….

More here.

And here.

En francais ici.


  • RW2013 says:

    He lives as a refugee in Berlin.
    His teachers’ music is well worth listening to (Borys Ljatoschynskyj).