Putin holds a US ballerina to ransom

Putin holds a US ballerina to ransom


norman lebrecht

April 05, 2024

It has emerged that Russia’s detention without trial of US ballerina Ksenia Karelina has been extended to July.

Karelina, 33, was arrested while visiting her Grannie and accused of raising chairty funds for Ukraine.


  • As Russian as it gets… says:

    I mean, she looks Russian and her name sounds Russian…

  • WU says:

    Everyone should know by now that visiting Putin’s Russia is a very bad idea! At least one should invest in an unsuspicious passport (no “problematic” visas) and smartphone (used – but with flower pictures)!

  • zandonai says:

    When I travel to St. Petersburg I just stick to the Mariinsky, the Hermitage, and the restaurants. No politics. No problemo.

  • Laurance Davis says:

    Putin is as evil as one can get. Let us all hope and pray that Ksenia Karelina is released soon, without harm, and all of the other innocents being held captive by all despots worldwide. Let us all never take our freedom for granted, even though, in many countries of the relatively free world, that is exactly what is happening.

  • PaulD says:

    Too bad she’s a ballerina and not a basketball player bringing in contraband drugs. The Biden Administration would be all over this.

    • Terence says:

      Biden’s a disgrace for swapping a b**ch who spat on her country and not freeing the ex-marine who served that same country.

  • Yuri K says:

    Here we go again. When Maria Butina broke the US law and went to jail, there was zero sympathy for her in the West. Now when someone breaks the Russian law, all I hear is how evil Putin is.

    It’s really simple: do not break local laws, even if you do not approve them. Do not act as an unregistered foreign agent in the US, do not bring drugs to certain Asian countries, and do not rise money to support Ukraine if you are a Russian citizen.