Music director says sorry for ‘unfortunate timing’

Music director says sorry for ‘unfortunate timing’


norman lebrecht

April 05, 2024

Donald Runnicles, who is leaving Deutsche Oper Berlin as GMD for a softer job in Dresden, has apologised to his musicians for the ‘unglückliches Timing’ of the overlap.

He promised to give the Berliners his full attention until he leaves.

This could be a first.

Being a maestro generally means you never have to say sorry.


  • RW2013 says:

    He still has to survive Intermezzo first (if he doesn’t cancel).

  • Robert Rÿker says:

    Come on, Norman, that comment is not true of every maestro.

  • Singeril says:

    Going to Dresden is certainly not to take “softer job”.

  • Tim says:

    Why is he standing in the middle of a field with a baton?

  • zandonai says:

    In his San Francisco Opera days they affectionately referred to him as Donald Ruin-nicles.

  • Tommy says:

    That’s because Donald is a fine human being!

  • Robert Holmén says:

    Timing? Hmmm.

    Why did I take all those years of German in school if they’re just going to end up speaking English anyway?

    I get the creeping intrusion of new tech terms like “gedownloadet” but it’s not like German had no previous discussions of time they could draw on.

    Google offers “Zeitpunkt” as a more German alternative.

  • maximien says:

    Let’s be honest … as a Berliner I’m not really unhappy when he leaves us. I’ve heard him umteenth times the last 10 years … and I’m nor amused. He’s – and I don’t mean to be mean – downright mediocre.

  • Jer says:

    Ai article? A softer job? Mkay