Maestro upgrade: Flanders Symphony picks Flem conductor

Maestro upgrade: Flanders Symphony picks Flem conductor


norman lebrecht

April 26, 2024

The Flanders Symphony has appointed Martijn Dendievel, 28, as its next music director. He has been associate conductor for the past two years and before that was assistant conductor.

He succeeds the Estonian Kristiina Poska.

Previous chiefs include David Angus, Etienne Siebens, Seikyo Kim and Jan Latham-Koenig.


  • Claire says:

    Oh my goodness!
    Why him?

    • Flem Cellist says:

      Why not him? I’m friends with some musicians of the orchestra on Facebook and they seem all genuinely happy, so there must be a reason he was chosen. Especially after being “in the house” since so long and still winning the vote.

      His concert with Liège Philharmonic in Brussels last season was spectacular!

    • Secret Flem says:

      I’m a member of the orchestra in question and I can tell you there’s almost never been any decision made (about anything, pre-concert sandwich choices included) upon which more players agree than Martijn’s appointment!

  • Nosema says:

    Clever and very good humored!