Just in: Jonas Kaufmann names Israeli conductor

Just in: Jonas Kaufmann names Israeli conductor


norman lebrecht

April 26, 2024

The German tenor, in his first act as director of the Erl festival in the Tyrol, has chosen Asher Fisch as chief conductor.

‘We have succeeded in attracting an internationally renowned conductor with decades of experience, high standards and expertise, who cares about the work and development of the festival orchestra,’ Kaufmann told a press conference this morning. ‘He will regularly spend a lot of the year here in Erl with the orchestra and will combine this new task with his numerous international engagements.’

Kaufmann will sing Parsifal in his first season, with Irene Roberts as Kundry. In a new production of La Boheme, all the main singers will be under 30.

Claus Guth will direct a double bill of Bartok’s Duke Bluebeard’s Castle and Poulenc’s La voix humaine.

Other Kaufmann associates to sign on for recitals are Lise Davisen, Camilla Nylund and Pretty Yende.

Full prog here.

In Erl, as it is in heaven.


  • Bloom says:

    Ilias Tzempetonidis as a casting director and artistic advisor? He is one of the biggest “mafiosi” of the opera world, the kind of guy with many high profile connections, who casts the same rather shabby “stars” on and on. Boring.

  • frank says:

    Too bad their website is only in German. Can’t speak or read it. Cant even figure out how to buy tickets.

  • Champagne a la coupe says:

    Ilias is one of the most powerful men in opera. His Rolodex of top level singers is second to none. He only has to pick up the phone to Netrebko, Garanca, Radvanovsky, Sierra and the like and ask them to make themselves available for one of his productions and they will clear their diary! I don’t think there are many out there with this kind of influence.

  • zandonai says:

    Why is Pretty Yende keep getting big gigs she sounds horrible to my refined ears.

    I am a proponent of opera singers running an opera company, like Domingo at L.A. Opera, where he used to sing AND conduct (but not at the same time like Barbara Heineken. lol)

  • yaron says:

    Asher Fisch is a top musician – and a very kind person. Wish him success.

  • Ragnar Danneskjoeld says:

    “In a new production of La Boheme, all the main singers will be under 30” and so cheap to hire that the big names can get appropriately paid for their concert performances.

  • Uzi Shalev says:

    Maestro Asher Fisch is an excellent conductor for both operas and symphonic repertoire! Very good choice! Good luck!

  • Gavin Elster says:

    Sad, but Opera, as we once knew it, is on the critical list, with life-support NOT working! Between the complete lack of educating, or engaging young audiences, and the often confusing, and head-scratching specter of DEI, on repertoire and casting,that alienates the remaining, traditional core audience, AND high ticket prices, this art form is doomed. There use to be a time opera singers would appear on Ed Sullivan, or Johhny Carson. It use to give television something called……. class. On the rare occasions opera is featured on those tacky TV talent shows, it’s considered something to laugh at.

    • Tamino says:

      Who are Ed Sullivan or Johnny Carson? Are you US-American?
      Not everything that happens in your 5% of the world, particularly its cultural decline, necessarily has to happen elsewhere.