It’s Professor MTT

It’s Professor MTT


norman lebrecht

April 02, 2024

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The San Francisco Conservatory of Music has named conductor and composer Michael Tilson Thomas as the institution’s Distinguished Professor of Music. To celebrate MTT’s artistic achievements in the year of his 80th birthday, SFCM’s record label Pentatone will release a box set collection of 18 MTT compositions in the fall of 2024. 

In his role as SFCM’s Distinguished Professor of Music, Tilson Thomas will work individually with students, participate in readings with the SFCM orchestra, and conduct masterclasses. “I’m so looking forward to expanding my work with the next generation of musicians and to building connections with the faculty and staff at the SFCM and Pentatone to realize our many common musical ideals,” Tilson Thomas said.


  • Don Ciccio says:

    “Oh, hello, professor!” – George Costanza to Elaine in the The Cafe episode of Seinfeld.

    On a more serious note, congratulations to MTT.

  • professional musician says:

    Happy to see MTT going on so bravely and magnificently

  • Save the MET says:

    This is terrific news that he feels well enough to take this on!

  • Erich Vollmer says:

    Congratulations, Michael! While I can’t believe the SFCM was the first of its ilk to try & lure you into academia, it’s high time for the natural-born teacher in you to shine. O, those lucky young ones. Best wishes!

    • Jenn Martin says:

      He lives in SF and it is more and more difficult for him to travel, so SFCM is the logical choice.

  • Chuck McVinney says:

    MTT has been an inspiration to me since I heard him conduct the BSO many times in thce 1970’s and 80’s.

  • zandonai says:

    MTT and his pooch made a memorable showing at last week’s LA Phil concert (Petrushka, Tchaikovsky Fourth). Congrats boy wonder!

  • Matt says:

    MTT while not attached to an academic institution, he has been working with young musicians for years.

  • Jenn Martin says:

    This is a transition away from conducting move, I’m sure. I saw him do Petrushka and Tchaikovsky 4 on Saturday with the wonderful LA Phil. He seemed much sure of himself than he did when I saw him last 6 months ago. Eyes buried in the score on the Stravinsky. I drove down there (4 hours) for the concert specifically because I believe that it will be my last chance to hear him. I sat behind the orchestra in order to soak the visual moment in. His recent set with the SFS was billed as his last SF appearance, and though this LA week wasn’t as explicit about it, you could tell that he’s about at the end. Then his Facebook post thanked the orchestra “for 50 years of great collaborations.” I salute his bravery. He has always been one of my musical heroes. This last concert was marvelous.