Cinc’y appoints inclusivity dean

Cinc’y appoints inclusivity dean


norman lebrecht

April 12, 2024

The University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music has recruited Dr Peter Jutras from the University of Georgia as its dean.

The reasons, in order of priority: ‘Peter Jutras has a strong record of inclusive leadership, visionary thinking, fiscal responsibility, community building and student-forward curricular development.’

So very 2024.


  • Brad says:

    So very 2024?

  • william osborne says:

    Not long ago, CCM faced a scandal when it was found that a flute professor had been secretly videoing himself having sex with women students and then showing the videos to his colleagues. So 2018. I’m glad to see the conservatory charting a different course for 2024 and appointing someone responsible for carrying through the changes.

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Inclusivity/DEI efforts commence with good intentions. Sadly, it doesn’t take long before these efforts reveal racist motivations.

  • RW2013 says:

    But can he play that piano (inclusively)?

  • Writer at large says:

    ‘Student-forward curricular development’: what? That contrived use of language has already excluded me.

  • Lichtbringer says:

    Any musical ability? Hope he can read music..

  • HReardon says:

    So the inmates are going to run the asylum now. So very 2024!

  • Herbie G says:

    Nothing about music in his CV – but that’s probably an optional extra of little value in this job.

    There is no mention of what this chronically white male inclusivity guru will earn. With the present economic stringencies causing having a catastrophic effect on arts funding, one wonders not only what on earth this particular guy will bring to the party but also whether the role itself deserves any funding whoever takes it on.

  • Fenway says:

    Surprised they didn’t hire someone of color. DEI. Didn’t Earn It.

  • Tricky Sam says:

    What about “music?”

  • Tiredofitall says:

    “Peter Jutras has a strong record of inclusive leadership, visionary thinking, fiscal responsibility, community building and student-forward curricular development.”

    To be fair (as a CCM alumn) this post fails to mention the more pertinent background as Professor of Piano and the Piano Pedagogy and Group Piano Specialist at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA.

    More promising than the university statement about his record. That statement seems more appropriate to the requirements in a generic job listing than to the vision of a successful candidate.

    Give the man a chance.

  • V.Lind says:

    SLIGHT exaggeration in the header. It implies that his sole role is inclusion. (Such appointments are being made). That is not what the release actually says.

  • yaron says:


  • OSF says:

    First – he’s the newly appointed Dean of the school. Not the “inclusivity Dean.”

    Second, this constant carping about inclusivity: Do we want more types of people involved in classical music – as performers, teachers, listeners, students, etc. – or don’t we? I don’t know about everyone else here, but I want everyone to have a chance to participate and love music the way I do. Having a major music school trying to be inclusive- however they define that – is not doing anyone here any harm.

  • Jack R. says:

    Yes, why would making all of the employees feel valued be a trait CCM would want in a Dean? What a joke of a take. Find some real news to post about.

  • Gabriel Parra Blessing says:

    Makes perfect sense. Though he looks like a white man, he identifies as a black lesbian. You go, girl!

  • truth says:

    these are the most useless people in the economy

  • Mick the Knife says:

    Bigger bureaucracy – higher tuition.