Yunchan Lim  suffers hand injury

Yunchan Lim suffers hand injury


norman lebrecht

March 23, 2024

The sensational  Korean winner of  the last Van Cliburn Competition has cancelled an April 8 date at London’s Wigmore Hall.

They say:

We are sorry to announce that Yunchan Lim (piano) is experiencing a strain in his hand. He is currently undergoing treatment with his doctor and physical therapist. It is therefore with profound regret that he must withdraw from his forthcoming concerts under his doctor’s orders. This will allow the injury time to heal and to protect against future issues.




  • OSF says:

    He’s supposed to play Rocky 2 with the Baltimore Symphony in five weeks. Baltimore has struggled with attendance but they actually added a show. Hope he can make it.

  • Peter San Diego says:

    I hope he doesn’t try to return too quickly; best to respect the injury and give it all the time and therapy it needs.

  • Mock Mahler says:

    April 2023 US performances were canceled due to an ear infection. September 2023 US appearances were canceled for personal reasons. (Among those, the Washington recital was ‘postponed’, and tickets for May 2025 are already being sold for a hall five times the capacity of the previous site.)

  • Zandonai says:

    He should play more Mozart and Haydn and stop banging up his fingers with those Romantic circus shows..

  • Smoke & Mirrors says:

    Take care of your precious hands, Yunchan – we need you!!!

  • Andy says:

    He was also due to play this Wednesday at RFH (Rachmaninov 3).

    • Tim says:

      I think it was Elgar piano concerto 2 but now it’s as you say the Rachmaninov piece. Now that is a workout!

  • Jane Thacker says:

    I’m a pianist and have had surgery on my wrist. My heart goes out to him. ❤️

  • Alan Fraser says:

    tell him to get in touch with me if he wants some effective, technique-related solutions to the hand strain problem.

  • Marcello says:

    He is performing in Leipzig Gewandhaus April 6. According to Gewandhaus, there is no cancellation. The event is still fully listed in their concert calendar, no further comments there by Gewandhaus. Strange … Maybe Leipzig was not informed?? Can’t be

  • Guest Conductor says:

    Please take your time to heal Yunchan

  • Nick X Sun says:

    I just saw him playing Rach 2nd piano concerto with the visiting Orchestre de Paris 7 days ago! He did fine, but looks tired. The encore was rather subpar, actually. Having him play with Boston symphony in Rach 3rd, I get a feeling that he might be exhausted with the touring schedule at this young age. The curse of the Cliburn competition? Who knows. Just count me as those from less impressed camp. He’s good for sure, but not spectacular as the hype described. It happened that I just heard Bruce Liu’s recital last night at the Jordan Hall, I have to say I was far more impressed. A wide range of tonal color variations for different work from different genres. So, the future is promising, but one needs a strong personal drive to be successful. Those who lack of it, or can’t sustain the pressure will eventually be washed out. It’s a survival of the fittest world. It’s pretty simple and brutal.

    • Simon says:

      I had trouble hearing him above the orchestra – I was surprised with how gently he was hitting the keyboard in the loud passages. I also though the encore was poor. Maybe he was already injured ?

      • Ernest says:

        I thought the orchestra was too loud. A more experienced meastro such as Alsop would have tempered the orchestra.

  • Jc says:

    After seeing his Chopin recital at Carnegie Hall, it’s safe to say it’s no one’s loss whether he can make it or not. And after seeing what Marin Alsop can do with ny phil, I have a feeling his winning performance of Rachmaninov at van cliburn is mainly due to Marin’s ability to turn something mediocre into magic.

  • Ernest says:

    IMG has announced that all his European concerts are cancelled:

    27th March – RPO London
    30th March – Peralada Festival Spain
    6th April – Gewandhaus Leipzig
    8th April – Wigmore Hall London
    10th April – Conservatorio Milan

    The schedule is crazy! Rest up Yunchan. You have a long way to go.


    “Into each life some rain must fall,” – My best wishes for a speedy recovery! I count myself lucky to have heard him this month in Paris playing the Rachmaninoff 2nd. ♥

  • Jobim75 says:

    I am a bit blasé now after years and years of music listening about new artists but I heard a live of Liszt transcendental studies….and was stuck by virtuosity AND musicality because you rarely have these together nowadays, what a testimony… almost rivaling with Berman ( both Melodiya studio on jvc Japan cd and stunning live in Milano). I wish him to recover completely and give us beautiful music again.

  • Sharon W says:

    Wishing Yunchan Lim a quick and complete healing!

  • just saying says:

    Oof, isn’t he a little young to be experiencing that kind of hand injury?!?

  • Val Friesen says:

    Sending healing thoughts to this amazing young man.

  • Susan Hewitt says:

    Wise decision to postpone all performances in order to prioritize healing of hand injury. Without proper care this gifted young man’s hand will not heal properly or fully, thus placing him at risk for further injury. Kudos to everyone involved in his life supporting this important decision.

  • Margaret says:

    They have overworked him since the Cliburn competition. He’s extremely popular and everybody wants a piece of him. He needs a break!