Two tenors dump Australia

Two tenors dump Australia


norman lebrecht

March 02, 2024

Plácido Domingo and Jose Carreras have cancelled this month’s Legends Together Again tour in Australia.

‘Unforseen circumstances’ are to blame.

New dates have been announced for November for Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Two other venues – Perth and Adelaide – are cancelled.


  • Madeleine Richardson says:

    Domingo is ill with severe bronchitis. He posted on X yesterday.Romania has also been cancelled.

  • Save the MET says:

    The nursing home tour? It’s time for the boys to hang it up, they can blame solow vibrato and pitch.

  • Zandonai says:

    I miss Pavarotti and Salvatore Licitra, two great Italian tenors who died too young.

    • Tom Phillips says:

      Licitra nowhere near the same league (also compared to the other two in their long ago primes).

  • Aaron says:

    Usual reason for these type of cancellations is because ticket sales are so poor. Perth and Adelaide are dropped altogether as being unsalvageable whilst the three larger cities are allowed a further eight months to sell more tickets. Let’s see.

  • A.L. says:

    The question anyone should be asking is: How/Why is this “artistic” (those are scare quotes) fraud allowed to happen in the first place?

  • Madeleine Richardson says:

    Because people are prepared to pay for it?

  • Sam McElroy says:

    In case anyone needs a refresher on the truly great Carerras, back when…

  • Carlos Solare says:

    I have to think of the Flotsam & Jetsam song: “Aberdeen and Perth want their money back!”

  • Merville says:

    Domingo is no more a ténor.

  • Tom Phillips says:

    Why would anyone want to hear either of them at this point?

  • Andrew Clarke says:

    They should be afraid, very afraid. Remember Tony Hancock and David Whitfield.

  • Nick2 says:

    I was surprised to see Perth and Adelaide included in the original tour. Then very much at the height of his fame Domingo gave a solo concert in Perth in the early 1990s and tickets then did not sell at all well. I believe the same was true in Adelaide on the same tour.

  • Mauricio Fernandez says:

    It would be fair for these gents to stop this kind of shows out of respect for their legacy and the audiences who pay idiotic high prices for an evening of misplaced nostalgia.

  • Andrew Clarke says:

    Both are comparatively small and geographically isolated cities, but Adelaide has a much greater interest in opera etc.; after all they produced a more than creditable Ring cycle some years back. In two years as a student in Adelaide in the 1970s, I got to see Britten and Pears (at the Festival), Ravi Shankar, Count Basie and Duke Ellington. Not a bad effort.

  • R. D. Porper says:

    Face it. He’s old. Best days ( and there were some great ones) are behind him.