Pasadena picks an American music director

Pasadena picks an American music director


norman lebrecht

March 24, 2024

The Pasadena Symphony in California has named Brett Mitchell as its incoming music director. Mitchell, 46, has been a guest with the orchestra in each of the past two seasons. He is a former assistant to Franz Welser-Möst at the Cleveland Orchestra.


  • Zandonai says:

    I stopped going to Pasadena Symphony concerts after they became a pop orchestra and moved their venue to an ugly hall.

  • Beethoven12 says:

    Colorado Symphony to Pasadena Symphony is one of the bigger drops I’ve seen a music director take

    • msc says:

      Colorado seems to have trouble settling on music directors: Kahane, Litton, and Mitchell all had unusually short terms.
      Yes, it is an odd move.

  • Kirk says:

    Congrats to Brett‼️

  • Pasadini says:

    Who cares!?!

  • Michel Lemieux says:

    A savvy choice for a Southern California orchestra, he has his own YouTube channels with over 200 videos and can help the symphony gain visibility on social media.

  • Zandonai says:

    IF this guy has been a regular guest for 20 years and hasn’t got a plum job during all this time…. What does that tell you?

  • Allma Own says:

    For many an American conductor, this is as high as they rise, regional, local orchestras with small budgets.