Paris Opera rushes star to hospital

Paris Opera rushes star to hospital


norman lebrecht

March 26, 2024

Rumours have been swirling all day about what caused the Bastille last night to drop its curtain early on Simon Boccanegra. The Australian soprano Nicole Car has just posted the reason for it:

During last night’s performance of Simone Boccanegra, I began to feel quite unwell and the decision was made to bring down the curtain early and take me to the hospital. Unfortunately this meant our audience missed the end of this very moving and special piece.

I am aware I have made a lot of you worried, so I wanted to give you all an update.
After a night in hospital and many reassuring tests, I have been sent home to rest. I’m happy to report that I’m feeling better and hope to be back on stage again very soon.

Everyone @operadeparis is a treasure- I feel so well cared for… Our cast, its homogeneity, is key in the beautiful success of our performances… and so is the Parisian audience! Thank you all for your understanding, I look forward to reconnecting with all of you as soon as possible!



  • Serge Bernard says:

    “Reconnecting with all of you.”

    Why does everybody sound like PR agents these days?

  • Eric Wright says:

    For once I have nothing to criticize. Glad she made it to hospital, and glass she feels so supported by the company she’s singing for. Hope she feels better soon.

  • Ernest says:

    Hope it’s nothing serious. But why isn’t there a cover in the house to sub for her when she “began to feel quite unwell” …

    • JB says:

      The performance stopped about 10 min before the end of the opera. Might be difficult to get a cover at that moment.

    • Jimbo says:

      Standard practice is that givers get released after the singer they are covering makes their last entrance in the piece.

  • Giuseppe says:

    Paris Opera had no cover?

    • Jimbo says:

      Standard practice is that covers get released after the singer they are covering makes their last entrance in the piece.

  • a colleague says:

    note that the picture is the vienna state opera, and not paris…

  • Harpist says:

    Baffled. Have they not heard in Paris of an understudy…?

    After Alagna croaked (never hear such a noise before) his high note in the duet as Samson at the MET he disappeared and the replacement took the last act.

  • Allen says:

    Not only did Paris not have a cover singer, but it looks like Slippedisc didn’t have a cover photo of the Paris Opera. The opera house pictured here is the Vienna State Opera 😉