LA Opera gets messed up in women’s bodily functions

LA Opera gets messed up in women’s bodily functions


norman lebrecht

March 09, 2024

The company posted this tasteless set of images on International Women’s Day – then swiftly apologised.


LA Opera:  Earlier, we posted what was intended to be light-hearted commentary about the completely normal biological functions that more than half the population (like us) face in silence and often shame due to the hush imposed on such topics around the world.

Our timing was off by connecting it with International Women’s Day, a day when we should instead be celebrating our many accomplishments and contributions.
We apologize.


  • japecake says:

    Maybe classical music isn’t really “dying” as much as doing shots while speeding down the Pacific Coast Highway in a vintage Buick convertible at 85 mph while blasting Carmen at top volume

  • Paul Dawson says:

    The apology strikes me as just as stupid as the initial act.

    I can’t imagine that I’d be amused at an opera company presenting ‘light-hearted images’ of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, sperm motility etc.

    On the last one, though, Woody Allen did a very funny representation in Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex.

  • drummerman says:

    It boggles the mind to think that they would have created this for any day of the year.

  • Tiredofitall says:

    This is more than merely bad judgment. Someone ought to be fired…and the person who authorized the post.

    • Harvey Weinstein says:

      And “Cancel” them so they never work again and die penniless.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        Hopefully they will mature and make better decisions in their new position. Barring that, yes, they may die penniless.

        A bad barista can even be cancelled from Starbucks….

    • Pizzu says:

      I really hope that you are currently not in a job position that requires you to decide about hiring. And I really hope you’re going to lose your job in the future because of a mistake. Probably only then, when faced with reality, you’ll be humbled enough to see how insensitive and arrogant this comment of yours is.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        I’ve had an entire career that entailed the hiring of multiple personnel. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. But I was always fair in my judgements, and for that behavior, I was admired by others in the organization and duly rewarded.

        My responsibility–as that of all other employees–was first and foremost to the welfare and success of the organization.

        Most employees understand that it is not all about them. It is about their professional contribution to the organization. They are personally protected up to the point that they cease to make a positive contribution to the organization.

        • Pizzu says:

          Yeah but this was a post by women (to my knowledge), about women, that was intended to be funny and simply didn’t hit the mark, in a time when any institution is desperately trying to find content to be still relevant.

          The whole idea to ask the firing of someone for a bad post is just the typical mentality of the average college students– whatever I found dislikable, I don’t want to see it anymore. I want to live in a world where a good, or even a great employee can make mistakes.

          Having said that, I might have read too much in your comment, so sorry if I did. I just find the online outrage always pretentious and unable to capture complexity

  • Barrington Dickens says:

    Thinking bodily functions should be private. Heard the Maestro star talking about #2 ing in front of his kid a lot. No thanks.

  • Dolores Crotale says:

    The apology is more cringeworthy than the piece.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    This is what happens when you have no sense of humour. Their original effort is representative of what they really think. How awful for them, to be so completely absorbed by this puerile agenda.

  • Shh says:

    The apology is needed but also an explanation as to why this should ever have been allowed to be posted at all.

  • Jules says:

    Their “timing was off”? So this would have been acceptable on any other day?

  • NotAnOldWhiteGuy says:

    While this was an overall odd post… I am continuously surprised by how easily offended Norman Lebrecht is. By all means, let’s ensure all Opera communications are devoid of anything interesting- because that seems to be his continuous gripe

  • SlippedChat says:

    Surely this falls in the category of “What on earth were they thinking?”

  • Margaret Koscielny says:

    It is so pointless. What does any of it have to do with Art?
    Celebrate the music and the singers. Bodily functions are a private matter.
    Have people lost their minds?

    • Pianofortissimo says:


    • Alphonse says:

      Much of the world’s population has indeed lost its collective mind. “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.’” – Saint Anthony the Great

  • Zandonai says:

    Thanks again Norman for keeping us abreast of opera news.

  • Barbican Goer says:

    As with bad movies I’m always wondering – who’s responsible for such takes? Like one guy told this “lighthearted” nonsense and everyone in office was like: “Oh my, that’s hilarious!!”

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Generally, in a large performing arts organization, these media sites are monitored by young 20-somethings.

      The brain’s frontal lobe, especially the prefrontal cortex, isn’t fully mature until around ages 25 to 29. This region of the brain is involved in decision making, working memory, personality expression, moderating social behavior and controlling certain aspects of speech and language.

      This may explain a lot…

  • Not a Snowflake says:

    Who cares?

    We truly live in a snowflake society.

    Let’s get mad over anything and everything!

    • Violinist says:

      That’s not a question of being mad, let alone offended. This is a question of utter stupidity, complete lack of self awareness and taste. On no day in any year of our history this could be deemed acceptable. Whoever wrote that needs to be fired

  • Zandonai says:

    Another PSA from LA Opera on Zemlinsky’s “Der Zwerg”. Apparently opera fans are psychiatrically very fragile —

    “Viewer Discretion Advised:

    The second opera in this double feature, The Dwarf, is a powerful drama that contains scenes of verbal abuse and othering that may be disturbing to some audience members. For the composer, Alexander Zemlinsky, the experiences of the Dwarf as a character were autobiographical, reflecting abuse he experienced at a former lover’s hand. While unintended, LA Opera’s decision to cast this opera solely on vocal talent and acting ability and not physical characteristics may inadvertently amplify the impact of these scenes.

    If you have any concerns or questions or would prefer not to stay after intermission to see The Dwarf, please call the box office at 213.972.8001 or visit the box office window while on-site.

    Thank you and enjoy the show.”

  • Peter B says:

    Remind me again. Their function is to put on Operas ?