Breaking: La Scala replaces its chief

Breaking: La Scala replaces its chief


norman lebrecht

March 12, 2024

The La Scala board of directors chaired by the mayor of Milan decided Monday night to replace Sovrintendente Dominique Meyer with Fortunato Ortombina, head of La Fenice in Venice.

Meyer, who is 68, falls foul of the new age-70 cut-off rule imposed by the Rome government. Ortombina, 63, will be the first Italian head of last Scala in 20 years.

Meyer, who is French-Alsatian, has run a scandal-free administration since 2020.

UPDATE: There will be another board meeting on April 29 to ratify the decision.


  • Tamino says:

    Paving the way for Meyer to Salzburg now?

  • Pedro says:

    I hope he goes to Salzburg.

  • Tristan says:

    time has come and Lissner Pereira and Meyer have been very poor managers – let’s hope for improvement

  • Daniella says:

    Good riddance… It was about time, he did not bring anything new at La Scala, same low quality performances (often miscast) from the times of Pereira

  • Jonathan Sutherland says:

    Verboten in Vienna. Now the bunyip bean-counter is fagiolo bollito at La Scala. Where next? Maybe the Met? Even such a Donna Anna devotee would make Herr Gelb look good.

  • Dominic Stafford says:

    Ortombina is still very much the Intendant and AD of La Fenice…

  • tif says:

    Rumour has it that the company are meeting to strike against the premiere of Guillaume Tell…. in protest…

  • LP says:

    He is just French, not French-Alsatian. Unless you are prepared to call president Macron French-Picard for instance.