Berlin maestros boil eggs as wives go on tour

Berlin maestros boil eggs as wives go on tour


norman lebrecht

March 05, 2024

Catch the new duet partnership in Leipzig of the wives of Berlin’s best-known resident conductors:



  • Player says:

    Oh Norman, you threw yourself under the woke bus with that headline… there will be screeching!

  • Willym says:

    Am I missing something???

  • Gale Mahood says:

    It’s is truly stomach churning to read comments like this in 2024.

    I think I may be done with this misogynistic rag.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    Boiling eggs? Well, it makes a nice change from the boiling frogs we hear about endlessly!!

  • Primus Interpares says:

    Elena Bashkirova
    – Daniel Barenboim’s wife

    Magdalena Kožená
    – Sir Simon Rattle’s wife

  • Pedro says:

    Is Simon Rattle still in Berlin? I tough he went to Munich via London.

  • Zandonai says:

    I’m confused, are we talking about her wife’s tour or his husband’s eggs?

  • Harold Clarkson says:

    Never mind all the comments above, Elena Bashkirova is a very fine pianist indeed and a great person. I dont know Magdalena as well but have heard her and she is also a superb artist. lets give them respect in their own right! Norman I know that was your intention….