A quintet for the ages

A quintet for the ages

Album Of The Week

norman lebrecht

March 24, 2024

From the Lebrecht Album of the Week:


Over forty years and in an impressive number of recordings, Peter Donohoe has never failed to  challenge and surprise the listening public. From Bach to Busoni, Prokofiev to Pejacevic, and on half a dozen labels, the Mancunian percussion-turned-pianist has trodden his own determined path, way off the beaten track. He is very much a My Way pianist and I have learned down the years to trust his judgement…

Read on here.

And here.

En  francais ici.


  • Daniel Reiss says:

    A few years ago he played a recital of Beethoven sonatas in Jlm, part of a research seminar, underadvertised and -attended. It was marvelous, enthralling from beginning to end. I’m glad for this chance to say it was great.

  • Geoff Spratt says:

    Peter has made several visits to Cork, in the Republic of Ireland, and his recitals for the Cork Orchestral Society were amongst the very best in living memory.

  • John Humphreys says:

    He’s a colossus. The breadth of his repertoire, the sureness of his technique and forever questing spirit ensure that he remains at the forefront international pianism. It is insufficient to say that he stands as a worthy successor to the mighty John Ogdon though comparisons are tempting. Their control over ppp veloce playing and Himalayan fortissimos was similar (plus their ability to transcend the limitations of the instrument). John’s fate was determined by his catastrophic illness. Peter seems on a permanent upward trajectory with new repertoire being added seemingly on a monthly basis. His contribution to the musical life of this country is beyond calculation.