7 men, 1 woman, apply to run  Salzburg Festival

7 men, 1 woman, apply to run Salzburg Festival


norman lebrecht

March 06, 2024

The application deadline closed last night and there have been relatively few submissions.

Why only one woman has put in is a matter for concern.

Three applicants are German, the other five European.

It is not known whether the present director, Markus Hinterhäuser (pic), has put in for a third term.


  • Ellingtonia says:

    Why a matter of concern if only one woman applied. If women cant be bothered to get off their “arse”, make the application and go through a rigorous selection procedure then that is their choice. How about stopping making assumptions about female applicants or the lack thereof!

    • Emil says:

      Oooooor, y’know, there are structural factors that prevent women from making it to the very top. How many women led opera houses or mid-size festivals 10 years ago? (Because yes, creating fields of qualified candidates takes time).

      • Ellingtonia says:

        So tell us what structural factors prevent women “making it” now……….or are they still playing the oppressed / victim card? If they are good enough they will get the job i.e. if they can be bothered to apply!

        • Emil says:

          Well, for one, you don’t get a job like head of the Salzburg Festival out of school. So you need to look at constraints over a 20+ year period, not just today.

          Second, yes, there are plenty of barriers and hindrances to women heading major arts organizations today, though it is changing and improving.

          • Ellingtonia says:

            So come on then, lets have a list of the barriers and hindrances to women achieving.

      • Peter B says:

        So hard to convey sarcasm in a written response. First time I read this I thought it was from a pirate, or a west country farmer.

  • InsideSalt says:

    And the inside scoop is that Barrie Kosky has been talking with them for months already ….. these open submissions are more for public appearance in Austria and Germany. There has been much politicking and campaigning for over a year now.

  • Edo says:

    Uh, last time I checked Germany was still in Europe… LOL

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Why should it be a matter of concern if women choose not to apply for something? They’re hardly being kept out of top jobs elsewhere…