Suffering orchestras (1): Romania

Suffering orchestras (1): Romania


norman lebrecht

February 04, 2024

Musicians of the Sibiu State Philharmonic Orchestra have appealed to to highlight their plight.

Apparently, the orchestra manager thinks he’s a conductor and sacks anyone who refuses to follow his beat.

The musicians are protesting outside the town hall, demanding the manager’s dismissal.

‘Every morning, we have been standing in front of the county public authority that hired Lupes (Consiliul Județean Sibiu), demanding his dismissal. Unfortunately, the only response we have received thus far is complete censorship and disregard.’


UPDATE: The orchestra manager has sent us his CV, which we reproduce below:
CRISTIAN LUPEȘ, conductor and cultural manager, is known for his restless and ever renewing activity, as a musician and creator of cultural projects. His name is considered to be the 100% guarantee for extraordinary working on scores of contemporary music by Wener Schulze, composer, conducting professor of Kirill Petrenko, Professor Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.
Born in Onești, Romania (1976), he first studies Physics and Chemistry at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and at Bucharest University. From 1999 he studies Orchestral Conducting at the National Music University in Bucharest. He continues his studies at Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, and in 2010 he becomes Assistant Conductor to Jonathan Nott at Bamberger Symphonikern Staatsphilharmonie. He will have the same role at: Tonhalle Zurich, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Rundfunk Berlin, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, while assisting conductors such as Cristian Mandeal, Alexandre Myrat, Seiji Ozawa, Zubin Mehta, David Zinman, Bernard Haitink, Mariss Jansons, Andris Nelsons, Vladimir Jurowski, Herbert Blomstedt. In 2012 he will get his PhD in Music, with his Thesis The Scientific Parameters of Orchestral Interpretation.
Cristian Lupeș always knew he would be a conductor. He grew up listenting to contemporary music and to the birds singing along Enescu’s music in Tescani. These moments are the keystones to his artistic activity: the attachment to Romanian music, especially that of George Enescu and the attraction towards the bravery, innovation and revolutionary spirit of contemporary music. In his activity, he always chooses to promote the modern and contemporary Romanian values, as he believes, just like Enescu has, in the importance of music for a healthy cultural life. With ability and confidence, he showcases to the public music that is rarely played on Romanian stages, only to find enthusiasm and joy in return.
Cristian Lupeș is the artistic director of Romania’s first contemporary music festival – Contemporary Music Days, founded by his professor, composer Liviu Danceanu while also being the founder of the youngest similar festival – Brave New Music.
His perseverence and his natural passion for music bring him a debut in a Season concert whilst being a student. He is a constant presence in George Enescu International Festival where he conducted various orchestras. His recordings of modern and contemporary music are considered referencial, thus being sent as a reference to the orchestras that take part in the Enescu Festival.
Cristian Lupeș works with orchestras from Romania and international orchestras, most recent being Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra Sinfonica di Sanremo, Sinfonica Abruzzese, Grosetto and Cosenza. He collaborates with artists such as : Elisabeth Leonskaja, Michael Barenboim, Arabella Steinbacher, Julien Libeer, Francesco Tristano, Vassilis Varvaressos, Constantin Basica and others.
In 2019, Cristian Lupeș becomes the manager of Sibiu State Philharmonic and his vision improves the institution in a way no one would think possible. This effort is recongnised by a Medal of Honour in High Rank for Culture, awarded by H.E.. Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania, in January 2021. He was also awarded the Brincoveanu Prize by the Romanian Minstry of Culture, in 2020 and the Thought in Romania Prize for Music in the World in 2023.



  • Remendado says:

    Watched a few videos, and I totally agree with the orchestra. Just wondering: does he have a first name?

    • Fersaiev says:

      His full name is Cristian Călin Lupeș

      He obtained his position through political lobbying and with a fraudulent CV, falsely claiming to have worked as an assistant conductor at prestigious orchestras such as the:

      -Suisse Romande-Geneva, Tonhalle-Zurich,
      -Rundfunk Symphonieorchester Berlin,
      -Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne,
      – London Symphony Orchestra,
      – Stockholm Royal Philharmonic.

      I have a direct question to musicians from those great orchestras: do you recall Cristian Călin Lupes as your assistant conductor??

    • Emanuel says:

      The most worst conductor who I ever played! Emanuel, trombone player în Sibiu Philarmonic Orchestra!

  • says:

    Trust the musicians

  • Emanuel Dombi says:

    His CV it’s fake. We have answers from the Orchestras who told us that that he was never Asistant Conductor there.[redacted]

  • Fersaiev says:

    Musicians from Sibiu Philharmonic Orchestra, we did contact the Tonhalle, with a question:

    « Cristian Lupes….claims that in 2010 he became an assistant conductor at the Tonhalle symphony orchestra in Zurich, and I would like to know if it is true… »

    The answer:

    « Dear Mr. XXX*

    Thank you for your message.

    The position of the Assistant Conductor only exists since Paavo Järvi has been appointed chief conductor in the 2019/20 season. It may be possible, that Cristian Călin Lupes had the chance to work with our Orchestra in 2010, although not as an Assistant Conductor.

    I hope this information is of some help to you.

    Kind regards

    Tiziana G. »

    *I didn’t published the initials of my colleague to avoid reprisals. He is still an activ member of the orchestra.

  • Musician says:

    Since 2019, the year Lupes took the position of Sibiu State Philharmonie manager, the institution and the Orchestra is in a continue downgrade. All the conductors and the soloists ( romanian or foreign) that collaborated with Sibiu Orchestra upon his arrival are not anymore in connection with the Orchestra. All the projects and festivals that were active and productive for the institution, Lupes refused to continue them. He stolen the ideas and projects from other musicians . His main purpose is to promote himself, his ambitions, his ideas, his personal image and he does not care about anyone who has a different opinion. In theory he present himself as an open mind individual but the reality and the truth is that he cares only about himself and what he wants. He fired very good musicians who had a different opinion than him, he doesn’t care about the faith of anyone.
    Hi is a very dangerous person that will kill the Sibiu State Orchestra and the music that this musicians were able to make until his presence in Sibiu!

  • Musician says:

    This manager has no idea how to organize a cultural institution. He doesn’t respect the musicians and he doesn’t respect the law, firing the employees illegally.

  • le Rolf says:

    So what? Admiting that his curriculum-vitae is true… What about not having humanity? This “manager” work with numbers, not with humans! He is a boss not a leader!

  • Artist instrumentalist says:

    It’s sad that this publication denigrates and throws garbage at an artist, without respecting the basic principles of journalism! “….sacks anyone who refuses to follow his beat”. No one was sucked for the above reason!
    The union people do not represent the entire orchestra, as can be seen in the photos they sent. The union is a personal business of its leader and has nothing to do with art. Her goal is to install her husband as manager of the Philharmonic. The people whose contracts were closed, are people who willfully absented from concerts and rehearsals, assaulted colleagues (non union members) and yelled at guest conductors forcing them to leave the stage, breaking the basic rules of the orchestra and social rules.
    No one has been fired because of the musical collaboration with Mr. Lupes.

  • Sibiu Fiddler says:

    This Lupes guy is a total fraud! I’ve never ever seen someone like this, an incredible narcissistic dictator who doesn’t give a sh.. on anyone who cannot help him climb the ladder in his “career”! His total lack of respect towards the musicians is revolting! Even more appalling is the way his political enablers (Consiliul Județean Sibiu) are keeping him employed! He is a total joke and fraud as a human being and as a “manager”! It’s time to kick his ass out, wake up politicians!!

  • SAIFS says:


    In the lines below, we, the Union of Instrumental Artists of the Sibiu State Philharmonic, want to highlight the critical situation within the employing institution where we work, an institution subordinate to the Sibiu County Council, represented by President Daniela Cîmpean.

    Over 70% of the instrumental artists of these prestigious cultural institutions are in deep labor conflict with manager Cristian Lupeș, who, in over 4 years of activity, has shown faulty, dictatorial, abusive management focused on his personal image.

    The Union of Instrumental Artists of the Sibiu Philharmonic (SAIFS) has been facing:

    – Abusive/illegal dismissals (proven by successful reinstatement lawsuits won by employees)* The State Philharmonic Orchestra of Sibiu has been decimated by 20% since the arrival of manager Cristian Lupeș, putting pressure on the remaining employees of the institution, whether union members or not.

    – Over 70 legal actions have been filed in the past 2 years at the State Philharmonic of Sibiu, 99% of which have been won by employees and lost by Cristian Lupeș in the name of the institution.
    * In this regard, the Sibiu Court of Accounts, through the “Financial Audit Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Sibiu County Council as of December 31, 2022,” draws attention to the fact that “from the analysis of the situation regarding ongoing or finalized litigation in which the entity is involved, it was found that provisions for litigation were not estimated and recorded in the accounting, although the recognition criteria were met. This situation applies to the State Philharmonic of Sibiu – 1,587,572 lei.” The Sibiu Court of Accounts has advised the Sibiu County Council through the same audit report that by December 20, 2023, “the principal credit ordinator must take all necessary measures to recognize and register provisions for litigation in the accounting records in accordance with the current legal provisions by the State Philharmonic of Sibiu” – which proves our statements and the way the manager understands how to lead the institution.

    – Significant amounts spent by the State Philharmonic of Sibiu and damages ordered by the courts, the latest being a value of 280,000 RON as a result of the employer’s failure to comply with the legal framework arising from labor relations.

    – Abusive disciplinary investigations (applied to union members)

    – Violation of the right to work when artists took a stand against abuses (as a result of the Japanese strike, they were replaced by collaborators paid with public funds to avoid affecting Manager Lupeș’s image by wearing white armbands and to prevent the situation of the institution from becoming widespread in the public space).

    – Hirings with the agreement of the parties, without competition, of poorly qualified individuals, to the detriment of those whose competence should be officially recognized by a qualified committee.

    – Many of the activities of the philharmonic are carried out through third parties (associations), the most recent example being the orchestra’s participation in the George Enescu Festival.

    – Multiple workplace harassments

    – Psychological abuses

    – Serious violation of freedom of expression

    – Misinforming the public

    – Non-compliance with court decisions

    – Managerial incapacity due to inability to negotiate the collective labor agreement (The State Philharmonic of Sibiu does not have a valid Labor agreement concluded since 2022).

    * all the above-mentioned facts clearly fall within the scope of abuse of office and represent only a part of the problems we, the employees of one of the most important cultural institutions in Romania, face without the local public administration authorities (specifically the Sibiu County Council) coming to our defense by taking appropriate measures against the abuses to which we are subjected.

    Please note that we, the instrumental artists of the Sibiu State Philharmonic, protest in the public space against the abuses we have been facing for over 4 years due to the inability of Manager Cristian Lupeș to engage in dialogue, thus maintaining a tense, hostile atmosphere, and a retaliatory attitude (the latest abusive dismissal being that of employee Daniel Luca, a union member, which took place on January 24, 2024, for alleged “talking during rehearsals”).

    On January 25, 2024, representatives of the union were present at the ordinary meeting of the Sibiu County Council to once again try to present our point of view and find support, a meeting where the PRESIDENT OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL, DANIELA CÎMPEAN, LEFT THE HALL, REFUSING TO ALLOW UNION LEADER MONICA FLORESCU-FERNANDEZ TO SPEAK, WHOSE MICROPHONE WAS TURNED OFF AND THE LIVE BROADCAST WAS INTERRUPT ED.

    We consider this behavior from President Daniela Cîmpean as disrespectful and a clear disregard for the concerns and rights of the employees of the Sibiu State Philharmonic. It is evident that there is a lack of support from the local public administration in addressing the issues we face.

    We, the Union of Instrumental Artists of the Sibiu State Philharmonic, demand the following:

    1. The immediate removal of Manager Cristian Lupeș from his position due to his abusive and dictatorial management style, which has caused significant harm to the institution and its employees.

    2. An investigation into the financial management of the institution, including the provision of provisions for litigation, as recommended by the Sibiu Court of Accounts.

    3. The reinstatement of all employees who have been unlawfully dismissed, with appropriate compensation for the damages suffered.

    4. The establishment of a qualified committee to ensure fair and transparent hiring practices, based on merit and competence.

    5. The implementation of measures to protect the rights and well-being of the employees, including the prevention of workplace harassment and psychological abuse.

    6. The recognition and respect of the employees’ right to freedom of expression, without fear of retaliation or disciplinary action.

    7. Compliance with court decisions and the legal framework governing labor relations.

    8. The negotiation and conclusion of a valid collective labor agreement that reflects the rights and interests of the employees.

    We call on President Daniela Cîmpean and the Sibiu County Council to take immediate action to address these issues and ensure the proper functioning and well-being of the Sibiu State Philharmonic. The cultural heritage and artistic excellence of our institution are at stake, and it is crucial that the necessary steps are taken to protect them.

    We also appeal to the public, the artistic community, and all those who value culture and the arts to support us in our fight for justice and fairness. Together, we can bring about positive change and ensure a better future for the Sibiu State Philharmonic and its dedicated employees.

    Thank you for your attention.

    The Union of Instrumental Artists
    of the Sibiu State Philharmonic

  • musulin says:

    are there any musicians from Milano who can say the effect the “Lupes dirijeaza la Milano” had on car traffic , football supporters and of course on culture life of the city of Milano ?

  • Artist Manager says:

    One of my artists was unwittingly involved in the crossfire between Mr. Lupes and the musicians.
    I found his tone and actions manipulatory at best. Someone earlier mentioned the word narcissistic, likely hitting the nail on the head. Shame, because the orchestra would otherwise be a pleasure to work with.

    • Fersaiev says:

      Due to the actions of this manager, we ended up losing touch with numerous talented artists…
      It’s a shame.

  • Taras Bulba says:

    Good luck, musicians–I saw the Sibiu State Philharmonic in 2009 and you were excellent.