Leipzig names first Kapellmeisterin

Leipzig names first Kapellmeisterin


norman lebrecht

February 17, 2024

Leipzig Opera has engaged the South-Korean conductor Yura Yang, 34, as its first Kapellmeister.

She is presently at Staatstheater Karlsruhe and was previously at Aachen.


  • Andreas B. says:


    a conductor who knows what she wants, with a fine ear and good people skills.

    incidentally, this coming Monday Frau Yang will be conducting an interesting concert with works by Holmès, Farrenc and Mendelssohn:


  • Musician says:

    Bravo for the appointment!
    No disrespect to Leipzig and Yura (whom I don’t know), but is this truly a news-worthy event for slippedisc? Or do I sense a overreaction due to her being female? Would this have been announced here if a guy had gotten the position?
    In any case, all the best to her!

  • Alex Prior says:

    She’s an incredible musician with the most refined and impressive hearing. She will go extremely far, and rightly so. So happy for Yura! Congrats on this excellent position!

  • Zandonai says:

    welcome to the post-pandemic all-inclusive all-woke-up New World. I hear the next LA Phil MD will be an asian female also.

  • Allma Own says:

    That’s a pretty small baton.