Help needed: Slovene pianist seeks treatment in Israel

Help needed: Slovene pianist seeks treatment in Israel


norman lebrecht

February 18, 2024

The Slovenian pianist Sabina Svigelj, 32, is desperately ill with Mucosal Melanoma. She needs to raise $75,000 for advanced treatment in Sheba hospital in Tel Aviv.

She is halfway there.

Can you help? Please give here.

Sabina writes: My treatment since January 2023 involved operation, immunotherapy and radiation as well as a pill therapy which are standard procedure for Melanoma but, with ups and downs, the treatment was not successful.

In the last month, when the cancer grew again (stronger), I traveled through Europe to get treatment options and second opinions. World renowned doctors & scientists for Melanoma see the TIL therapy as the best and only option to beat this disease. Since in Europe there are no current TIL Therapy clinical trials, I had to seek the treatment somewhere else and found the possibility for the immediate TIL Therapy in Sheba Hospital in Tel Aviv.

I am modestly asking for Your contribution for this treatment as it gives me a fighting chance and opportunity to continue with life and perhaps building a family on my own, to further teach piano and spread the love for classical music.


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