Biz news: Star sax quits Parrott

Biz news: Star sax quits Parrott


norman lebrecht

February 15, 2024

The effervescent Jess Gillam and her ensembled signed this morning with Intermusica, having quit HarrisonParrott.

This is serious poaching by Intermusica. Parrott will have to respond.


  • Ex-Agent says:

    In my experience it is not possible to say if an artist has been poached or if they have just decided to leave. You got this mistake with some of mine in the past too. Artists leave, it is part of the business, you thank them for being clients and bid them good luck.

  • Manny says:

    It eventually happens to nearly all of us, Jasper’s lost his sax appeal.

  • Someone on the inside says:

    It isn’t considered poaching when an unhappy artist approaches another agency wanting to make a move. (Yes, that is what happened here!)

  • Anonymouse says:

    A number of artists have left HarrisonParrott recently and plenty of others are not happy with them. Probably not a case of poaching , so much as unhappy artists looking for decent representation

  • Ben Jones says:

    Every time I hear her play, I have no idea how she has the career she does.

  • La plus belle voix says:

    Here is her current diary:

    So why is she allegedly disaffected?

    • Anonymouse says:

      Irrespective of whether you rate her as an artist or not, she’s a high profile in demand musician and it probably doesn’t require such an amazing agent to pick up the phone when everybody is asking for her.

      Maybe it’s less about how full her diary is and more about badly organized management? Emails not getting answered, double bookings, promoters getting frustrated?

  • Old school muso says:

    Can’t quite believe she has the career she does. Another one of the classical music worlds desperate attempts to be ‘relevant’ (along with the Kanneh Mason’s)
    She is annoying in the extreme, and I’m not just talking about her bopping all over the place when she plays, but her inane questions when she hosts The Proms and other BBC programmes. If I see or hear her it’s an immediate switch off!

  • Ann Summers Dossena says:

    Managers/Agents have ethics agreements. I agree with those who say there is no poaching. This is very old news. I helped write the ethics code for NAPAMA in 1978-9. Artists know that members of the organization are serious and professional managers.