Oxford Brookes confirms music shutdown

Oxford Brookes confirms music shutdown


norman lebrecht

January 26, 2024

Oxford Brookes University has confirmed the loss of 48 academic jobs in arts, humanities, social sciences and mathematics.

Most will be erased by compulsory redundancy.

That includes the entire music department.

Here’s one broken-hearted response:




  • Dulcamara says:

    Looks like the music de-colonizers have de- colonized themselves out of a job.

    • Anne Conte says:

      That comment makes no sense whatsoever in relation to the musicologist named above. You should check out her publications.

  • Mecky Messer says:

    Hundreds of would-be underemployed and exploited graduates of this unknown program, are deeply thankful theres one less place where to ruin their financial and professional prospects. Some may even decide to pursue actually useful career paths, for the benefit of society.

    Next please.

    • Jonathan says:

      Ohh…did they reject your application???

      • Mecky Messer says:

        YES! I became a doctor and I’m crying inside of a rolls royce – my life really sucks. How do I envy you!

    • Mick the Knife says:

      You obviously don’t think music benefits society so this is not the place for you. Find an IT board or political or some place where you fit in.

      • Mecky Messer says:

        Your comment is called “outreach” for the young generations, right? Why in the world would people not like this welcoming community.

        Funnier even: you may even work doing outreach for some of these pyramid schemes.

        • Good lord says:

          Yours is among the most insulting, ignorant comments I’ve ever heard. I truly feel sorry for you.

          Sincerely, a tenured professor of music who has seen many students get jobs in music.

    • AnnaT says:

      Next what?

      One should be able to study music at any university, whether or not you’ve heard of it.